Ch 12 Titan's Return

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During the next couple of days, after the defeat of the Pharaoh, Jaden gave Alexis a royal treatment because of what she said about being paranoid about the girls that he talked to. Jaden  wanted to take Alexis away from dueling and decided to book a four star hotel for their honeymoon. While that was going on, Alexis was watching over her brother, to see if he was getting better. Suddenly a voice came from out of a dark portal and  said "so you want your brother to remember everything, I can give you that, but you first have to face me in a duel." Alexis said "so you're anther shadow rider? I will get my brother's memories back no matter what the cost. I'm willing to pay for it."

Alexis walked to the portal and entered it and she found herself in the same room from which Jaden had rescued her. The figure that had led Alexis here was now ready to duel and gave her a duel disk and prepared to duel with her. At the same time, Jaden was walking to Atticus' room. He had flowers to give to both Alexis and Atticus. Jaden opened the door and dropped the flowers when he saw that Atticus had tried to get up but had fallen. Jaden helped Atticus get to his feet and helped him sit down on the bed. Jaden asked "what happened to you and where is Alexis?" Atticus said "it was him, it was Titan." Jaden suddenly realized who he had dueled in order to rescue Alexis. Jaden then realized where they were because he knew Titan would want revenge for Jaden beating him. Obviously  Titan had Alexis.

Jaden was about to leave when Atticus said "wait, Jaden take me with you, I need to be there to support Alexis." Jaden said "but you are weak and you need rest because if you push yourself too much Alexis would be worried about you and you don't want that." Atticus understood what Jaden was saying but he wanted to help Alexis. Jaden knew what Atticus wanted to do and said "I will take you but you have to promise me one thing." Atticus smiled and said "thanks bro, what is the promise that you want me to make to you?" Jaden said "promise me you will stay here until you are ok.If you ever try to get out of here before you are ready and got hurt, I don't know what I would do with myself. You are Alexis' only brother and that would destroy me if I didn't try to stop you." Atticus said "sure, I would never try and hurt Alexis, so let's go cheer on your future wife."

Alexis started her duel disk, when she heard a noise coming from the entrance to the abandoned dorm. It was Jaden, Atticus, and the rest of the key keepers coming to support Alexis. Alexis said "lets duel." Titan said "I will go first, I draw, I summon Spirit Reaper in defense mode (200def) and play one face down and end my turn." Alexis said "my draw, I summon D.D. Assailant in attack mode (1700att) and throw down a face down and end my turn." Titan said " my draw, I sacrifice my Spirit Reaper to summon Skull Archfiend of Lightning in attack mode (2500att), now attack D.D. Assailant." D.D. Assailant was destroyed and Alexis lost 800 life points, but the ability of Assailant kicked in but then Titan said "due to the effect of  Archfiend I can roll a dice and if it lands on a 1,3,or 6, I can negate your monsters' effect and destroy your monster."

Titan rolled a dice and it landed on a 1 and so Archfiend ended up staying on the field and Titan ended his turn. Alexis said "my draw, I play the spell card Smashing Ground which destroys the highest defense monster on my opponent's field but seeing that you only have one card on the field  destroy Skull Archfiend of Lightning. Next I play polymerization to summon Cyber Blader in attack mode (2100att) now I summon Cyber Tutu in attack mode and my last card in my hand I play Monster Reborn to bring back D.D. Assailant now, all three of you attack Titan directly." As his life points went down to zero Titan was taken in by the darkness and disappeared, never to be seen again.

Alexis ran over to Atticus and gave him a hug. Alexis said "I thought that if I fought Titan I would get back your memories but I was only fooling myself. Can you forgive me, Atticus." Atticus said "it is ok, Alexis because you are safe, that's all that matters to me. Because I love you." Most of the key keepers choked up by this display of love between a brother and sister. Jaden then walked up and offered to help Atticus get back to his room. But Atticus wanted to walk by himself. Jaden let him do so and to everyone's amazement  Atticus could walk without a stagger or a problem which made Alexis even happier for her brother.

Most of the key keepers went their separate ways but Alexis and Jaden stayed with Atticus to talk. Atticus said "well, I am happy that  both of you found each other. But why are you getting married after this year ends?" Jaden said "I know this relationship has moved really fast, but to be honest, I have never felt this way around any girl and I can't get her out of my head. I love her and she loves me and that means more to me than anything that you or anyone could offer me." Alexis said "Atticus, I love him and he makes me happy and that is what really counts." Atticus said "well, I just want to see my little sister happy and if she wants you, Jaden, then who am I to stand in the way of her happiness. By the way, I remember now who was the one that called me to the abandoned dorm the night I went missing. It was Professor Banner." Both Alexis and Jaden were shocked to hear this but it  didn't really hit them as strongly as it should have because they were more focused on love than anything else

Jaden and Alexis left the room and Jaden said "Alexis after this year and the wedding I want to take you away from dueling. I want it to be just the two of us together." Alexis said "I would like that very much. I want to be amazed by where you take me." Jaden kissed Alexis and they went their separate ways and only one more shadow rider remained.

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