Ch 6 School Duel and Dance

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Jaden woke up on the most important day of his life. He was ready  to do the most romantic thing that he had ever done for a woman. He decided to go to the Principal's office to find out when the North Academy students and their Principal would be arriving. Jaden arrived at Shepard's office and found him free to see him. Jaden then asked about the arrival time. Shepard said "they will be arriving at around noon." Jaden then asked about the time of the dance that would follow the duel. Shepard said " around seven and go till eleven, and I hope that everyone will have a good time."

Jaden smiled and left Shepard's office. He then prepared his deck and made his way to the docks and was waiting for the arrival of the North Academy students. The hours went by and he saw no sign of a ship even though it was about time for them to arrive. Shepard arrived on the scene. Jaden saw that Shepard was there and started to walk in his direction when he saw something pop out of the water. A submarine had appeared out of nowhere and now Jaden realized what transportation they were using to get to the island. Jaden looked around and saw a few people coming down to see the arrival of the North Academy and its student.

Alexis was running down to see the North Academy show up and saw that Jaden was waiting at the docks. She ran to see her boyfriend and gave him a big hug. Alexis whispered "Jaden I can't wait for tonight." Jaden said back "it will be a night that you will remember for the rest of your life, ok." Jaden and Alexis smiled and kissed and a little crowd formed around them and they began to clap for the happy couple. Jaden then looked at the sub as people started to get off. Principal Shepard greeted the older gentleman that was the first to get off and they talked for a quick second before the North students started a chant. They started to say "Chazz it up, Chazz it up, Chazz it up." Jaden then realized who was the representative for the North Academy. It was none other than Chazz.

Chazz got off the sub and stared at Jaden and said "well, if it isn't the Slifer slacker. I heard that you were the representative for Duel Academy. I guess they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel because of all the talent that left them." Alexis looked furious to see that Chazz was treating her boyfriend like that and she stepped in. Alexis said "Chazz shut up, I don't need to hear you disrespecting my man and I will not stand for it." Chazz saw the anger in her eyes and backed off. Chazz had an idea and said "Jaden let's make a bet." Jaden said "what kind of bet?" Chazz smiled and said "if I win, Alexis has to date me and if you win, you can have Alexis." Jaden showed so much anger at this and said "why on earth would I accept your terms,  I already made a promise to Alexis, not to bet on her as a prize."

Alexis smiled and blushed at the fact that he was keeping the promise that he had made her. Chazz saw this and though he had thought the bet was a good idea, seeing that Jaden refused the bet, he now had to win the duel to impress Alexis. Jaden said "lets get this duel underway." Everyone agreed and made their way to the main arena when a helicopter suddenly appeared and two figures dropped out of the copter. Chazz immediately knew who the figures were and said "Slade and Jagger, what are you doing here?" Slade said "we are here to broadcast the duel so that everyone can see that that Chazz is the real champion."

Alexis heard this and thought about her Jaden being on live national television making her heart flutter. But then she realized that many women would see him with the god cards and want to get to know him. Alexis became angry at this thought. Jaden saw that anger and walked over to her and kissed her. Chazz saw this and was angry that Jaden had the girl of his dreams but he was not going to let his brothers down. He was going to beat down Jaden for stealing his girl.

Jaden and Chazz made their way to the main arena with all of the students waiting for an epic clash. They started their duel disks and Jaden said "get your game on." Chazz started off and drew his card and summoned Armed Dragon lv 3 in attack mode and he put two facedowns and ended his turn. Jaden drew his card and said "I play pot of greed to draw two cards. Next I play polymerization to fuse Avian, Sparkman, and Bubbleman to summon Elemental Hero  Tempest. Next I play de-fusion and now I sacrifice my three monsters to summon the first god card Slifer the Sky Dragon." Slifer appeared and Chazz was worried this would happen but then he saw that Slifer's attack was only 1,000 points and he smiled. Jaden saw this smile and said "that smile will not be there for long. I play my final card in my hand, Card of Sanctity, now we both draw untill we both have six cards in our hands."

Slifers attack rose to 6,000 and Jaden smiled and said " I play the spell card double summon to play Banisher of Light, next I play the spell Graceful Charity which means I draw three cards and discard two. But my Banisher of Light is on the field so the discarded cards are removed from play. I now play my final card, I play the trap card Return from the Different Dimension by giving up half of my life points. I am then able to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and Obelisk the Tormentor which I had removed from play."

 Chazz had feared that he would summon the three gods but was not worried yet because Ra had no attack points. Jaden said "Obelisk attack with fist of furry." Chazz said "not so fast, I play my trap card Wakoku which stops Obelisk from destroying my Armed Dragon and I take no damage." Jaden said "I will end my turn." Chazz smiled and said " my draw. Now that it is my turn I can level up my Armed Dragon and turn him into Armed Dragon lv 5. Next I play the spell card level up to summon Armed Dragon lv 7 and I will get rid of him to summon Armed Dragon lv 10 in attack mode. Now by discarding one card from my hand I destroy all of your monsters." Armed Dragon lv 10 launched an attack on the three god cards and an explosion appeared and when the dust settled all three gods were still standing. Chazz was surprised to see the gods still standing but he said " I attack The Winged Dragon of Ra to win the duel." But then Slifer's second mouth opened and shot at the Armed Dragon and decreased its' attack by 2,000 and it destroyed the Winged Dragon but Jaden still had 1,000 life points.

Jaden smiled and said "my turn, now that I have another card in my hand Slifer's attack is now at 4,000 and now Slifer attack with thunder force." Armed Dragon was no more and left Chazz wide open. Jaden said "Obelisk end this with fist of furry." The attack knocked Chazz off his feet and the announcer proclaimed Jaden the victor. The announcer asked Jaden if he had any remarks or comments? Jaden said "I dedicated this duel to a special someone, Alexis Rhodes." With that he went into the stands and found Alexis and gave her a kiss. The crowd applauded this and Jaden stopped the kiss and put his forehead on hers and smiled at her and she smiled back.

So the North Academy students and the Principal left, but Chazz stayed to become apart of Duel Academy again. He was in for a shock though. He found out that he would not be apart of Obelisk blue but had to be in Slifer red. As the day went on Jaden stayed in his room getting ready for the best night of his entire life. Then around 6:30 Jaden got into his suit and grabbed the ring and put it in his pocket. He left the Slifer dorm and went to the Obelisk girls dorm to wait for his soon hopefully to be fiancé. Girls saw him and didn't question or report that he was around the girls dorm because he had said at the school duel he dedicated the duel to Alexis.

Alexis was getting dressed and was wondering in her mind 'is Jaden going to do something special for this night, I hope he does something that I will remember.' She got into her Blue dress and looked out the window to see Jaden waiting for her. She rushed down to see him and it was about time for the dance to start. Jaden was waiting and looked at the time but at that moment the doors to the girl's dorm opened and Alexis walked out. Jaden saw how beautiful Alexis looked and he could not hold it in. He walked up to her and kissed her.

After they ended the kiss Alexis said "shall we go to the dance?" Jaden nodded and they went to the main arena where the dance was taking place. As they got there they were greeted with a round of applause because of what Jaden had done earlier that day. Jaden waved and the applause stopped and Shepard appeared and said "we are here to have a good night and that is what we will do, hit it." Music began to play and both Alexis and Jaden began to dance in each others arms.

Jaden and Alexis lost track of time wile they danced. When the dance ended, they headed to the Slifer cliff. Jaden and Alexis arrived at the cliff and they both began to kiss each other. To Jaden it felt as if their souls were merging into one and that he wanted to give her the ring so badly. Jaden pulled away and said "Alexis this school year so far has been the best that I have ever experienced and I can't imagine another day without you, so this is the question I am going to ask you." Jaden got down on one knee and said "Alexis Rhodes will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth." He pulled out the ring and she saw it and was crying and he said "will you marry me?"

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