Ch 5 School Time

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Jaden woke up the next day, got up and got ready for that day's excitement . Jaden made his way to Crowler's class where he was stopped by Bastion. Bastion said "I hope that you are ready for the duel today. Don't hold back against me, I will go all out. See you later." Jaden didn't say anything but knew that he had to give it his all to beat Bastion. When he got into the classroom and sat down in his chair,  Alexis appeared and smiled at him and then she sat next to him and they both got ready for class.

As the class was starting someone with a package came in and gave it to Crowler. Crower saw who it was from and  thought that it was for him but then saw that it was for Jaden. Crowler said "Jaden, you have a package, from the famous Seto Kaiba." Jaden got up and took the package from Crowler who asked Jaden "why are you getting something from Kaiba?" Jaden said "I asked him for a favor and that is all that I can say for now." Jaden got back to his seat and was considering opening the package but seeing that Alexis was with him he would have a hard time hiding it from her. He put the package in his bag so that she didn't ask many questions.

Alexis asked "what is in the package that Seto Kaiba sent?" Jaden had to think of something quickly so that she would be less interested in it. Jaden said "just instructions that Kaiba would want me to use in order to find the missing students and your brother." Alexis said "that is wonderful and I can only hope that you find my brother soon so that you can meet him." As class ended most of the students made their way to the main arena to see the duel between Bastion and Jaden.

Alexis stopped Jaden before he could go out to the arena and said "Jaden what was really in that package because you seemed so paranoid when I asked about it?" Jaden knew that his girlfriend was smart but he didn't give her the benefit of the doubt and he had to say something that was true in a way to keep her guessing. Jaden said "I got a gift for you from Kaiba and I wanted to keep it a secret from you to surprise you. But you saw though my lie and so I will give it to you but, there is a question you will have to answer when I do." Alexis looked puzzled but smiled and said "Jaden you didn't have to get me anything just because we are dating." Jaden smiled and said "the boyfriend is to shower the women with gifts and that is what I am doing because I love you, Alexis Rhodes."

She smiled at him and said "ok but the present better be good Jaden because my expectations are high now." Jaden said "I will not disappoint you. I will give it to you at the school dance and trust me you are going to love it." With that Jaden made his way to the arena, ready to duel Bastion.

Jaden made his way to the center of the arena and shook Bastion's hand and prepared to duel. Jaden said "I will go first and I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode. I will throw down two face downs and end my turn." Bastion said "my draw, I summon Oxygeddon in attack mode and I will end my turn." Jaden said "I play my face down the flute of summoning Kuriboh. Next I summon Elemental Hero Avian, next I play the spell card, double summon, and now, I sacrifice my three monsters to summon Obelisk the Tormentor."

Obelisk rose from the ground and Bastion could not hide his fear once Jaden had summoned one of the most powerful monsters in the world. Jaden said "Obelisk attack Oxygeddon with fist of furry." Obelisk stuck Oxygeddon and then Bastion's life points went down to 1800 and he had no defenders on the field. Bastion said "I play monster reborn to bring back Oxygeddon next I summon Hydrogeddon in defense mode and throw down a face down and end my turn.

Jaden drew his card and smiled and said "I play pot of greed to draw two cards, then I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman. Next I play the spell polymerization to summon  Elemental Hero Flame Wingman in attack mode. Then I use Obelisk's special ability by giving up two of my monsters. I can destroy all your monsters on the field." Obelisk destroyed both Oxygeddon and Hyrogeddon now he was wide open. Jaden said "I play O- oversoul to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman to end this."

Jaden smiled and said to Bastion "good duel by the way, I think that we will have to duel again when you are ready. I will get my game on." With that Jaden walked out of the arena while people were congratulating him but the only thing he wanted to do was talk to Alexis. He passed more people and he said thanks to them but his mind was going into hyper drive, just thinking about Alexis.

Jaden made his way to Alexis and grabbed her hand and walked out of the stadium with a smile on his face. So many people were looking at them with stunned expressions on their faces because an Obelisk blue student dating a Slifer red was unheard of. But they didn't question it because Jaden was one of the best at the Academy,  if not the best.

The next day Jaden sent a message to Alexis which read "Alexis will you go on a date with me today. I have big plans for you and no, the package is not involved in this yet. From your love Jaden." Alexis smiled and responded back with a big old YES. So Alexis made preparations for her first official date with Jaden. She talked to Jasmine and Mindy and asked what she should wear on her first date?

Alexis knew that both Jasmine and Mindy would go overboard on helping her because they wanted both Jaden and Alexis to have the best first date ever. So when the dust settled Alexis was wearing a red dress that would make Slifer jealous. Jasmine and Mindy squealed at how beautiful Alexis looked and Alexis was taken a back by how Mindy and Jasmine succeeded.

Jaden was waiting outside the girls' dorm and the girls asked what he was doing there? He said "I am waiting for Alexis if that is ok, we are going on a date and I wanted to see her before any other guy did." The girls were taken  a back by how dedicated Jaden was to Alexis. Then the doors to the girls' dorm opened and there stood the Obelisk queen. Jaden saw Alexis and his jaw dropped to see his girlfriend in such a beautiful dress. Jaden ran up to Alexis and said "Alexis you look so um I can't think of any words to describe you because they all would fall short of how beautiful you look."

Alexis smiled and looked at Jaden wearing a suit with a red tie. She said "we match so that is cool." Jaden gently grasped her hand and walked with her and said "I have a reservation at the card shack and we will be having a great meal. Is that ok with you?" Alexis smiled and thought 'he is so kind, I wish that he would have accepted the proposal from Harrington because I want to be by his side till the very end.'

They made their way to the Card Shack and were directed to a table with a reservation card that stated  "this table is reserved for the most beautiful girl on this planet." This made Alexis, heart flutter with excitement and they sat down at their reserved table. A man came out and took their order and within minutes they were served. Alexis was surprised that the order came out so quickly. They ate and talked about dueling and how Jaden had become such a great duelist himself. Jaden asked "Alexis I want to know more about you I want to know why you started to duel and why you are here?" Alexis smiled and said "when I was little  my brother and I would duel and I would always lose to him. But I told myself that I would never give up until I could beat him. But then he disappeared at the Academy and I vowed to find him because he is my brother and I love him."

 As the sun began to set, they left the Card Shack and they made their way to the Sifer cliff where they sat down and watched the sun set. Alexis said "the view is beautiful here isn't it?" Jaden said "yes but you are more beautiful than a thousand sunsets put together, and that is the truth." Jaden kissed Alexis and they both felt that their souls were becoming one but then Jaden pulled away. Jaden said "I want to give you something, but not now. After the school dance will you meet me here? I have a gift for you and an important question to ask you?" Alexis said "I will, but you have to remember one thing for me, that even if you lose the duel I will never stop loving you." Jaden smiled and said "I can't lose the duel so many people are counting on me and I will win for you."

Jaden and Alexis got up and he walked her back to her dorm and said to her "I will see you tomorrow in class." Then he kissed her one more time and said "good night my sweet princess I will always protect you and that is the truth and a promise." With that Jaden left and he thought to himself as he walked away 'Alexis Rhodes will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me.' He smiled at the thought of it and went to bed with the dream of spending the rest of his life with the woman he loved. 

Yu-gi-oh! GX Jaden and his loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora