Ring Pops

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Note: hope you like it:)

Victoria POV:

I started to walk away from everything regarding Derek. And it was tearing me apart on the inside. I'm gonna miss the dork, but I have to go. I hear the announcement if my plane that is starting to board, and I start to get on the plane.

Every step I take, I think of our memories we had together. I think it's sort of me, letting go through memories.

"Did you know I'm an excellent swimmer?" Derek was trying to show off again, but I decided to have fun with it. "Oh really? So would you be ready for.... this!" I shoved Derek into the pool next to us, as he made a big splash. When he rose up from the water I expected him to laugh or be a little upset. However, he wasn't doing any of those two things. Instead he gave me the most playful smirk I have ever seen. He swam towards me and I knew what was coming. So before he pulled me down with him, I grabbed the bucket of ice cold water I saved for a prank later that day(my way of showing love) and I dumped it on his head, as he pulled me into the water. Most fun, ever!

"Come on Victoria. I know this is hard, but you will feel accomplished afterwards. I promise. You trust me don't you?" Derek was taking me up high on the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. His tour came here, and this was my moment of overcoming my fear for a beautiful sight. My fear of heights. I know it's lame, but what if I fell to my death?! Nope, not me. We were finally at the top, an the wind brushed past me. Derek kept me steady at the top, since my knees were weak. "I promise you won't fall. I'm right beside you. We kept taking steps to the edge of where we could look down. "Close your eyes." He whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, and he kept pushing me forward. Finally we stopped. I felt his lips on mine for a quick second, the he pulled away."You can open them now." I opened my eyes to an amazing sight of a beautiful city. And the best part was, I wasn't scared of falling, because I knew Derek was there to catch me if I started to fall. "It's amazing!" I smiled at him. I got lost into his blue eyes, and said,"Of course the pop sensation helps me get over my fear." He chuckles and holds me tighter to his chest, as we look into the beautiful city.

I woke up to the feeling of peppered kisses over my face. "Good morning sleeping beauty, happy birthday!" My eyes flutter open to see blue ocean eyes. "I'm no beauty when I first wake up, i mean have you seen this hair?" I point at my frizzy hair. He smiles and says,"I wouldn't have you any other way." He laid me up in bed, and pulled out a shoe box from behind his back. Shoes? Lets hope they aren't heels, cause Lord knows I will fall straight on my butt. "I got you a present!!! I hope you like it!!!" He looks at me excitedly, hoping I will like his gift. Which honestly, it could be the worst gift ever and I would still smile and like it. I opened the lid to the show box slowly, and was shocked at the inside. Instead if shoes, it had little items from times we specially had together. I could feel the tears slip down my cheek at the wonderful gift. I loved how he really thought about our relationship. It proves he cares."You know, your the best boyfriend in the world, right O'Hare?" I giggle as I take him into a hug. He looks happy that I love it,"and do you know that you are the one girl to turn my world upside down?"


I finally got on the plane, knowing I was leaving behind Derek O'Hare. The most silly, sweet, and charming guy I have ever met. I put my luggage above the seat I took, next to a cuddling couple. Really? Do I need to be reminded of Derek everywhere I go? I try to look away, as to not wish I were in their position with Derek.

As we had only a few minutes till take off, I sat looking in my lap. suddenly the speaker announces,"Victoria Galen, did you really think I would leave you behind? You are the best thing that's happened to me, this one's for you. All of a sudden Derek was singing, singing a song he wrote for me a while back. His words were beautiful, and he sounded great without anything else in the background. I felt tears stream down my face, and a smile creep up on me as He finished the song next to my seat. "Look Victoria. I know about the threat, and I don't care. You should know by now, that you mean more to me, than any career. I can always do other jobs, as long as it means being with you. I love you, Victoria." As he says that he gets on one knee and opens a box, in that box, was a ring pop. I laughed and cried happy tears. A ring pop? Yup, this was my guy. "Victoria, I promise to love you forever. I promise to not let my career overpower our relationship. I know I can be annoying, but I think you can handle this 10 year old.Will you marry me?" I smile as the crowd surrounds us. "Yes, you dork!" He smiles and puts the candy ring on my finger and he twirls me around.

He puts me down, and the crowd cheers. He kisses me softly, and I regret even leaving the house. This is the boy of my dreams, and no matter the obstacle we have to face it together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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