He Can Cook?!

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After the introduction, I was lead to my temporary room. It was beautiful! It was purple, black, and white, and it looked as if it was a fashion designer room! It even had a walk in closet which was filled with different sizes of outfits. So this is the special treatment huh? I like it, maybe this week won't be that bad if I just hideout in here and watch Netflix on the flatscreen t.v.
"This room is the guest room, it's nice but not as good as the rest of the house." I try to hide the laugh under my breath. "Dinner is soon, I gotta go to a photoshoot, see you soon?" Wow, even a fan of his would be upset about that too. That seems rude, when having a guest, but oh we'll. "Don't worry, we'll spend some quality time later." He winks. I just roll my eyes, he must have seen my reaction. He walks out the door to go take some pictures of himself. Like he doesn't have enough already? I walk down the hallway to see if my hair still looked good. I didn't really do much to it before I left to come here. As I go to find the restroom, I see a cracked door. The first color I see is baby blue. I love baby blue! I gently open the door to see a massive room. This must be Derek's room. I look around to see nice electronics, and furniture. His room is pretty tidy, guess he's not the messy person I thought he was. What caught my eye though was the pictures sitting on a shelf. As I step closer to examine them, I notice how most of them contain a woman, and a man. Though some show a small boy. I assume those are his parents. They all look happy. I wonder where his parents are now? Are they divorced? Together but distant from Derek? I keep looking when I hear a faint cough from the doorway. I jump back and fall hard on the floor, bringing a lamp down with me. I turn to see Derek leaning against the doorway, laughing with a curious look on his face. "What are you doing?" He walks over to me and pulls me up. "I... I um.... Was looking for the bathroom, but I saw the baby blue and..." I'm stuttering, I never stutter! Besides shouldn't I be asking why he is here?"what happened to the photoshoot?" He smiled,"I canceled it to come and get to know you better, and to help cook dinner." He cooks?! The pop singer cooks?! That really shocked me! "So guess you found my room." I turned and looked at the pictures again and I thought I would ask,"Is that you and your family?" He looks at the pictures. His lips curl into a smile, but they drop suddenly. "Ya, but I don't see them much anymore." "Are they divorced?" His frown deepens."No, they passed away a while ago , in a car accident." I feel kind of bad for even bringing that up. I can't even imagine not having a parent."I'm sorry." I say as I look up to meet his eyes. I just realized how blue they are. I hate to admit it but they are really pretty. I shake away my thoughts and say,"Well, why don't I test out your cooking skills, trust me I am very hard to please when it comes to food." I lie, but smile when I see him smile. We walk down the stairs to see a nice looking kitchen. I go take a seat at the table, while I watch from a distance, Derek cooking.

"Dinner is ready, and trust me, no master chef can cook as good as this!" He laughs and brings over two plates, filled with steak. I take my fork and place a bite into my mouth. My mouth is literally crying in happiness. This is amazing!!!! "It's really good actually. You might just beat Chef Boyardee!" He grins and we finish our meal. "Come on, I want to show you something." He grabs my hand, and pulls me to the new location. His hand is soft and warm, and I actually don't try to shove him off me. Huh, look at that! He drags me outside to a beautiful garden, with lanterns luminating the place. I stare in awe,"it's beautiful!" He smiles and says,"My mom always wanted a garden, so I made one for her in her honor." I really feel bad now, I mean he did this for his mom? That's so sweet. No Victoria, just be polite."So are you happy you won the contest?" He says staring at me with his blue eyes. "Yes, I got to win money for my mom, but I honestly was a bit upset on the week part." He looks confused. "Why?" I giggle and say,"I'm not a huge fan of your Justin Bieber music." He laughs and says,"That's no shocker, coming from the girl who threw my magazines out of a limo." He winks."Michael told you?" "Yup, and I admit it was not what I expected." He laughed. "So tell me about yourself, I mean you just found out about my parents." He says. "I am a bookworm, who loves to write, and I want to make my mom proud and happy. Since, well, my dad left my mom." He frowns,"I'm so sorry Victoria." We just talk about things we like and I get to know him as a person. Soon we come up across some lilies, and I pick one off. "I had a nice time tonight." I say looking up at him. He leans forward and puts a hand to my cheek, I feel myself start to blush."Me too." Derek leans in a bit more to where I feel his breath on my lips. I suddenly pull away and run to my room upstairs. Victoria! This is the boy all the girls drool over, he is not more than an acquaintance! Pull yourself together!
I sit in my bed, when I hear a knock."Victoria, I'm sorry.... I...." Then he left with the sound of footsteps. Soon I fell asleep, not wanting to think of Derek for the moment.

The Next Morning:
I wake up to the sun shining over my room. However suddenly I hear a soft voice with guitar strings being slightly strummed. Wonder where it's coming from.....?

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