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Note: thanks for the support!!! This story got over 200 reads!!!! That means a lot to me! Thank you!! Sorry for the long wait, here you go!

Derek's pov:

Living with Victoria Galen, has been quite a ride. Even after her mom passed, she kept her strong spirit. And with her living with me, I get to see that essence. She even went through school like it was a breeze! She to this day amazes me!

However new situations have occurred....

A day before:
"Derek! Where are you taking me?!" Victoria laughs as she walks blindfolded, hand in hand with me. This was our 2 year anniversary of dating,and I want to make it special. We are now in 20, and 21 years old. After my one year contract, I decided to produce my own music. It's been going good, and Victoria is there to support me. "Shhh! We're almost there." I chuckle while she answers,"if I trip, I swear a storm is coming your way Derek O'Hare." We get to the garden where we had our first real connection.

I pulled off her blindfold, and she gasped taking in the view. It was lit up with lights to illuminate the flowers during the night. If you looked up, you could see the stars surrounding the world. It was quite a sight, even to me. She smiled and hugged me tightly. "Derek, it's.. It's beautiful!"

During the evening I served food with my "chef Boyardee skills" and sang her a new song I wrote for her. And for her alone. She meant so much to me, and I wanted her to know that. She smiled during our night, but she seemed a bit.. Distracted and upset. "Victoria? What's going on?" She looks away from me, to look at the ground. That's not a good sign. All my radars are screaming something is wrong. When she looks back up at me I see her start to tear up. "Derek, I don't know if we should stay together."

I couldn't breathe. What?! We've happily been together for a long time, and she wants to quit?! I need to know why and how. I feel the box in my pocket shift a bit and I know not to mess with it right now. It wasn't a good time. "What?! Why not? Don't you... I don't know, like love me. Because I just adore you to pieces. You are my everything." She looks as if she just got slapped. I wanted to know what was going on. I wasn't going to hold back.

"It's well... I do.. I mean I did.... I lov.... I mean I don't have those same feelings anymore. You just aren't the one. I'm so sorry." She turns to walk away, but I wasn't having that. I grabbed her wrist to turn her around. "Give me a real reason. Your hiding something from me. I can tell." She keeps crying slowly, and I wipe the tears from her face. "You don't really mean this do you?" She bites her lip and a tear escapes her mesmerizing eye. "I don.. I uh... I do. I really am sorry Derek." She looks away, and I hear a gasp.

I felt like I wasn't living in that moment. The girl I loved, that I was about to prop... Not anymore. She made that clear. But she is still hiding something, I know it. I can hear my voice crack as I try to speak words."Vic.. Victoria. But... I ... I love you." She whimpers quietly."I'm sorry Derek." And she runs away probably driving off somewhere unknown. I go to run after her, but I see something in the corner of my eye.

It's Victoria's phone, lighting up with a new message. She must have forgotten it. I look to see the message and caller ID. It says - did you do what I asked?- from a girl named Brittany. I unlocked her phone(she told me a while ago the number in case of an emergency or something.) I saw the conversation she had with Brittany.

B- you know you got lucky having that week with Derek, but do you realize how I have an advantage now? If you don't break up with Derek, I promise to make sure the paparazzi gets stories about you two. And they won't be good ones. Say goodbye to Derek's singing career.

V- please don't do this Brittany!What have I ever done to you? Besides how did you get this number?

B- I got it from your mom, before she passed away from a car crash. she really should have been more careful with driving. You got to live the life I deserve, do you think you would really get away with it and live happily ever after?You are just the pathetic writer. Now do it or I swear Derek will have it hard.

V- that was so rude, and low. Don't ever speak of my mother that way!

B- tick tock, hurry make a decision. I haven't got all day.

V- fine, just don't do anything to Derek.

B- what you love him now?

V- yes

B- darn that stinks for you

I was bubbling with pure anger. This girl dare threaten her and disrespect her dead mother? That was low. But I don't care who this girl is, and what she can say about me. Me and Victoria mean more to me than a singing career. Victoria should have known that. Now I need to go find Victoria.

Note: what do you think of Victoria's old classmate? What will happen next? What was in that box that Derek had? Do you like the chapter? Thank you!!!!

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