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Note: Hope you like the story!!!! Thanks you guys!!!:) lyrics are mine! Sorry if they suck:/ <3

As I walk through the hallway, the noise becomes louder, while sounding soft. I finally hear the noise coming from the baby blue room, Derek's room. 'You and me, are words that sound so familiar. Just a distance awaaaaay..." I walk in to see Derek stringing the strings on his acoustic guitar, so elegantly. It was beautiful, why didn't he ever play this? This would make any girl happy! His face looks so focused, as he sings the words about his probable crush or girlfriend. Not that I'm jealous. That's not even possible. Besides the odds are never in my favor. I knock slightly on the door, and he immediately stops and freezes. "Victoria? I um... How are you?" I smile, "Tired, but okay, how about you? You know that song sounded really nice, why don't you sing that type of music?" He shrugs and looks down. "It's what my producers say will sell more. I started off singing with acoustic, but I guess I never fit their needs." I got mad, you shouldn't have to change who you are! "Why don't you try to fight for your real passion? Being the real guy, instead of the fake one. That's something so rare in this world, that more people would like it for its honesty." He looked at me with wide eyes, and smiled. "Guess I'll have to talk with them later." I still wondered who that song was about, she must be special. Just forget it Victoria. "Hey do you want to talk about... i mean go get breakfast? Afterwards I have a quick interview, than we can hang out." I nod and Michael drives us to Starbucks. Thank god this is a different location from my mom's work! That would be awkward. We stand in line until we order. It's a good thing Derek has sunglasses and a hat for disguise as well, or this would take longer. Derek soon pays, than we wait. "I'll go grab some napkins." He says, than walks away. Suddenly this blonde guy scoots next to me and introduces himself. "I'm Zach, and what might your name be?" This dude really was freaking me out. Suddenly I feel an arm wrap around me, and I smell cinnamon. "Love, who is this?" Says Derek. I see, he's trying to help because this dude was starting off way too fast. I silently giggle and say,"Just a friendly customer." He nods at the fellow,"I'm Chris, Victoria's boyfriend." Chris really? Of all names? Boyfriend? Like that would ever happen.... "It was nice to meet you two, hope to see you again." The stranger says and walks off. "Thanks for the help, I needed it." He smirks, "No problem, anything for my guest." We get our drinks and drive to the interview place. The building is large, and very intimidating for a girl like me. Derek just takes me through the building, quickly to the room. We open the door to see a woman next to two headsets, talking on what seems as a radio show. Derek without delay walks to the empty seat next to her and puts on a headset, when On-Air shows up. I sit next to the people at the control panel, who take care of other sound effects. Suddenly the interview begins. "Hello, my lovelies in the world! It's Lizzie, your radio show star! Today we have a special guest to come talk with me for an interview, the pop sensation Derek O' Hare!!!" Lizzie says happily. "Hi Liz, how are you?" I stare at Derek the whole time wondering what questions will be asked. " I'm good! So I have a few questions for you, please answer to the best of your ability to the fans. Are you writing any new music you might want to tease about?" He laughs, and I remember our discussion from earlier. "Yeah, I'm actually going to try an acoustic song that is personal to me." He says happily. "Ooh, sounds interestingly good! I wanted to know how...." Lizzie's questions went by quickly, until one caught my attention. "So does the heart throb have a crush or girlfriend?" "Yes, I have a crush on a girl, but I don't think she feels the same way." The girl he wrote that song for. I see Derek turn towards me, and than quickly turn back to Lizzie. "She is super sarcastic, smart, and beautiful." Lizzie looks surprised."So all those fans have competition! Can you tell us the world's rival?" He laughs and says,"No, she'd probably be upset if I said, but let's just say she's close to me." I frown so deeply, she must be a celebrity. It's a good thing I stopped that kiss. Lizzie thanked Derek for coming, and Derek walked out of the radio zone. "Ready to go? Hey are you okay?" I start to walk in the direction of the exit and say,"I'm fine, let's go." He tugs on my shoulder,"Victoria..." To move along I gave him a fake smile and we walked out to the limo.

Dinner Later:
"Was all that stuff true that you said at the interview?" He looks at me with curiosity,"Well yeah, every word." Oh, but I still wanted to know the girl...."Who was that um poor soul who you have a crush on? Maybe I can help her." Derek has the biggest smirk on his face, while he chuckles," If you really want to know, which by the way is surprising, follow me, I'll have to show you who she is." He puts down his fork, and drags me over to a seat. "Wait here." He smiles and walks away. She must be pretty, I bet you a Victoria Secret model. He walks in and says close your eyes. I do than a minute later, Derek tells me to open them. When I do, I see a mirror. Where is the picture? Where is the supermodel? "Isn't she pretty?" I laugh and say,"where's the girl?" He points at the mirror and says "Right in front of you." I suddenly realize who it is,it's me! Wait me?! Is this a joke, cause I swear I will SLAP him if it is."is it me?" All he did was smile and nod.....

Note: How will Victoria react? How will this change things? Find out in the next chapter!!! Comment and vote!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!

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