Crying A River

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Note: you guys are awesome!!!! You really should follow the people I'm following and read their stories!!!! Thanks for the love and support it means the world:)

Derek stopped what he was doing to pick up the broken pieces of me. I sobbed into his shoulder, letting the dam break. Without asking Michael, Derek drove me to the hospital. It took a while to get there, but it felt like eternity. When we rush to my mom's door, I see her limp body looking crushed. I slowly approach my mom, not knowing if I can keep myself up. Derek rubs my back gently as I see my mom close up. Her left leg is wrapped all around in bandages, her right eye is covered, and she has a cast on her left arm. I couldn't stand the sight of her in so much pain. The heart monitor was slowly beeping. "Mom?" She slowly opened her left eye to look at me. Even in the condition she was in, she sounded as sweet as ever."Victoria! Sweetheart, how are you? Oh, is that Derek?"I gave a fake smile and said "Yes, this is Derek. Mom how did this happen?!" I said in a frightened tone. " We'll I was going to work, when I slowly dozed off and BAM I hit into a car." I tried to keep my tears in, having Derek beside me helped a bit. "How has your week been?" I look at Derek to see his beautiful blue eyes."It was perfect, but mom....." She looked sad knowing what I was wanting to talk about. She looked at me and said,"Victoria, for as long as I've been on this Earth, having you around gave me the greatest pleasure. I loved watching you grow into this woman you have become. You are a writer, and a good one at that. When I pass, I want you to not mourn but to rejoice in the memories we had. I love you so much, and I want you to live your life to the fullest! Promise me, when things get rough you will look at the glass as half full. Promise me." I feel the tears start to swell, "I promise mom." She than looked at Derek,"You better take care of my daughter, and love her for who she is. She needs that love, and you seem worthy." I hold her hand, and we talk for a bit until she suddenly gets quiet. The monitor stops beeping. "Mom!!!!!" I hold her and cry all the tears I have. Crying a river. Derek came in and rushed me out while doctors tried to save her. It was useless. She died. I felt broken, how could I keep that promise? Derek held me close to his chest,"Victoria Galen, I promise to love you and take care of you. To see the light of hope when darkness surrounds you. Your mom is in a better place, and you need to keep her promise. Do it for her. Do it for you. Do it for me." He kept holding me, and I knew Derek would guide me through this pit of utter darkness I was in.

A month later:
Derek did help me. I would push through everyday, knowing my mom wanted it. Since she left, I stayed with Derek and I enjoyed his company. We started dating officially. He was definitely worthy like mom suggested. He would sing me songs of his, to soothe me, and cook his famous meals for me. It was nice. Life was sustainable. Even though problems arise for us to conquer.

Note: the next chapters will be in Derek's view!!!!!

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