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Note: thank you my lovely readers for the support!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Comment and vote!!!:)

Victoria's pov: I had to get away from Derek. I knew I would start balling if I even saw a glimpse of him. I ran upstairs, shoving random clothes, and needed items, into a suitcase. Brittany had really won. She split me and Derek up. I only entered the contest for money, not a celebrity crush. But during my week with Derek, I realized how the money wasn't as important. I found something better. Love.

Even if I never see Derek again, except for in magazines and billboards, I'll still remember the love I felt for him. I wrote a note to Derek, and rushed out to catch a plane to somewhere else. I didn't care where. Well, I take that back. I always wanted to go to Michigan. I'll go there. It's odd, I know. Usually girls are like "oh I want to go to Paris the city of love!" Well I'm definitely not that girl.

I wanted to go to Michigan, since my grandparents used to live there, and tell me stories of how nice their experience is there compared to California. Since they passed, it gave me an even bigger reason to want to go. I "borrowed" the keys to one of Derek's cars (of course I took the Mercedes) and drove to the nearest airport. While driving I felt tears trickle down my cheeks, and I know how hard this will be for us both. Who knows, Derek might love Brittany later on for all I know.

Derek's pov:

I yelled at Michael where Victoria went. Michael is close to me, but I wasn't in the mood right now. "She went upstairs sir." I rushed to her room to see scattered items, and a neat note on the bed. It's only been 10 minutes and she already left? Was she that upset?

Dear Derek,
Look, I'm so sorry about today. It was supposed to be special, and I ruined it. But you needed to know I'm not the one for you. I'm just a girl with a lot of problems. You don't need that type of person. I'm no celebrity, and I'm no model. I only want the best for you, because you deserve only the best. That doesn't include me. I'm sorry for my mistake, but know this. I never will regret spending that week with you Derek. You changed me in ways I never thought I could. Winning the contest was a miracle. Thank you for being that miracle.


I felt my jaw clench in anger due to what Brittany had done, and I felt tears burning in my eyes for reading these words Victoria left. She was wrong though, on everything and she needed to know that. I rushed to see Michael, and wondered where she left to. He didn't know, and I began to frantically pace, not knowing where she was and if she was safe.

I decided to drive to the places Victoria loved going to, wondering if she went to one of those locations. As I went to reach for my keys to my Mercedes, I saw that they weren't even there. She didn't take her car. That was a good thing! I had set up a system where my phone was digitally connected to the car, for finding locations. I checked my phone to see what was searched for as a location.

It read the nearest airport. Right then I felt worried. She was trying to leave the state? Maybe the country?! I grabbed another set of keys(it turned out to be Victoria's car keys) and I drove to the airport.


I just kept running and rushing through people. Not knowing where she could have gone. I checked my phone to see if she looked up another location, and she did. Michigan. I headed over to the waiting section of people, going to Michigan the soonest. However, since I'm a celebrity, everyone was bombarding me. "Derek!!! Can I take a selfie with you?!" "Derek! Come sign my guitar!!!!" I finally saw a glimpse of Victoria, and I tried to get to her. But I was cornered.

As I was surrounded, I could almost here the minutes tick by. "Victoria!" She didn't turn, or hear me. Suddenly they called for the passengers to get on the plane.......

Note: cliffhanger!!!!! Lol:)

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