When Everything Goes Perfect

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Note: Shoutout to Sarah/geeky princess, Catwoman 31, as well as blackout_sword!!! They are awesome!!!!!!! Also thanks loyal readers your amazing!

I locked the door not wanting to see anyone look at me crying. The last time I cried like this was when my dad left. I know I shouldn't have been but I was, losing a father figure wasn't easy. That was something I felt I could connect to with Derek. Derek. The guy who knew you were nothing to him, he was only using you. Out of nowhere I hear my phone buzz. I pick it up to see Michael's ID. I answered and he says, "Miss. Galen, I know what you saw was terrible but you need to talk to Mr. O' Hare. You don't know the whole story. Now please open the door, since you took the spare keys with you. It's only me. When he comes though you need to listen." I hung up, ran down the stairs, opened the door, and saw Michael standing there. He gave me a comforting glance, and he let me give him a hug. I cried and my tears soaked through his suit. Once I was done, we came inside. I went back upstairs and locked the door. Leaving Michael to himself.


Knock. Knock. "Victoria, let me in please." I couldn't let him in, no matter how much I wanted to embrace in his warm arms. "No. I finally realized something about the both of us. I know what you're going to say, and I don't want to hear it from you. You are an average pop star who sees me as a disgrace, and I am the disgrace. The girl you were with will be the girl you actually love. I was just a temporary thing. Guys like you don't pick girls like me. So when this week is over, you won't have to see my face again. However I will be haunted since your face is everywhere!" I yelled and sobbed out my words. He hurt me, really bad. I couldn't let him see me and get away with it. Suddenly I hear the footsteps fade into the hallway, only to hear them reappear at my door. This time however, Derek didn't speak. At least not yet. I heard the graceful sound of guitar strings being strummed. As the melody began itself, I listened to Derek's voice say something I didn't see coming. His words were speaking his feelings for me. "Or those green gems, in the end I know that you are my sweet romance." He kept singing, and it lured me to open the door, seeing him play a song he wrote for me. I cried again. But this time it was happy tears. Did he really mean all of the words he was saying? When he was done, he set the acoustic guitar down and walked toward me. I could feel his warm breath on my face, and I knew I wanted to kiss him. Yet I refrained. "Victoria Galen, you will never be a disgrace to me. You actually keep me from being one. I never loved that girl, it was always you. You had me pegged from the start. I tried to ignore my feelings, but I couldn't. You mean more to me than this. I didn't bring you because my manager forbid it. I was stupid, and listened to him. I realize now that.... That I don't care what people think. If they don't like us together, who cares! It should only matter between us." His words were dripping with honesty. I can't believe he said that! He leaned in and we both found each other in a passionate kiss. It felt reassuring, and comforting. When we broke away, he hugged me, and I could smell his amazing cinnamon scent. "After this week Victoria, I plan on singing what sounds best to me. You inspired me so much. I don't want you out of my life, I want you to stay in it."

2 days later:

Everything was going perfectly. My week was almost up, but I planned on going on Derek's tours which were frequent. Derek demanded he sing what he wished to, at his manager. Oddly the manager agreed, but only for a year. That was okay, as long as he got some time to do so. I knew that the song he sang to me, came from the real Derek. Girls would surely love that. Derek planned on retiring after that year, he wants to soon live a normal life without the paparazzi. I hope later to ask if he would want to spend it with me. However, life isn't always giving and my world started to crumble once I answered a phone call. I was on the couch, waiting for Derek to finish cooking when I was told,"Miss Galen? Your mother is in serious condition in the Forbes Hospital. She got into a car crash on her way to work. You should probably come and spend as much time as possible with her. It might be your last. I'm so sorry." With that I dropped my phone, breaking the screen into tiny pieces.

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