Saying Goodbye

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January 14, 2016

Bible Reading: Luke 9:57-62

Foundational Verse:

- Luke 9:62 "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

Rhema Word:

- God wants what is best for us.


- God wants the best for us, but we must allow Him to take priority over everything else.

- Becoming a disciple of Christ may sometimes mean others will reject us, but it does not mean we say goodbye to people in the sense that we are to forget all our past relationships.

- Saying goodbye means that God wants us to follow Him on His terms—wholeheartedly. Then we will see people again from the right perspective.

- When we follow Jesus we get a new perspective.


- God wants what is best for us.


- Follow Christ wholeheartedly.

- When we follow GOD we follow Him without looking back of how and what we used to be before.


- None.

Applications & Prayer:

Dear Lord, I want to follow You wholeheartedly.

Help me not to place anything or anyone before You.

You must be my number 1 priority and no one must be above You in my life.

Let me surrender my everything to You.

And change my heart and my life LORD GOD as I go deeper and deeper to YOU.

Let no one can degrade my relationship with You.

Don't let me back slide to You Father.

I will stand still with my faith on You.

I am grateful that what You want is only the best for us.

We need not to complain on Your commands because this is for us. For us to be better. For our own good.

Thank You for giving me another perspective LORD GOD through Jesus Christ.


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