When Things Don't Go Well

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August 25, 2015

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28-30

Foundational Verse:

- Romans 8:28  "We know that all things work together for good to those who love GOD."

Rhema Word:

- Our GOD only planned what's best for our lives!

- He called us by name!


- GOD has good purposes and always remain with us.

- GOD has good purposes for our trials always.

- GOD wants us to become like His son.

- "He called us by name."


- We can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for GOD is worked into something good.

- After getting them established, He stand with them to the end, gloriously completing what He had begun.

- GOD is not absent and is sovereignly working in all things for our good.

- Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but GOD intended it all for good."


- He wants us to become like His son.

- We need to have FAITH and trust in the LORD because He has only wanted what's good for us.

- When things don't go well in our life stand firm in faith with our GOD. All is well with HIM.



- None

Applications & Prayer:

Good morning dearest Father in heaven.

This is my first time to do the devotion early in the morning at our home.

Unlike almost everyday, I do it in the office before I start my work.

Thank You po Father for the wonderful message. WOW!

Thank you po for calling my name to draw me near to you!

When tragedy befalls us, it's hard to understand how anything good can come from it, and we won't always see it in this life but You Father has good purpose and You always remains with me.

Especially in my heart.

When things don't go well in my life, I will always be still with you.


Let me love you more than I love myself, my family and bebe.

Same as them Father, Guide us to focus more on You!

You alone Father!

Thank You for making my life be good.

Make me more productive LORD GOD in everything that I do.

Most especially in worshipping You.

In Jesus Name. AMEN. ♥


Through it all, through it all

My eyes are on you

Through it all, through it all  

It is well LORD!

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