Bringing Our Friends to Jesus

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November 08, 2015

Bible Reading: Mark 2:1-12

Foundational Verse:

- Mark 2:5 "When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, "Son, your sins are forgiven.""

Rhema Word:

- You are amazing GOD! You are our healer and strength!


- Jesus is the only One who can meet our deepest needs.

- Praying for others is a privilege—and a responsibility.

- When someone we know is facing serious physical difficulty or a spiritual crisis, it is our privilege to join together in prayer, bringing our friends to Jesus—the only One who can meet their deepest needs.

- What Jesus has done to the paralyzed man makes us amazed!


- Jesus can save us from death!

- When You have a great faith on Him, He will always bless you.


-  Bring our friends to Jesus.

- Pray for others.

- Praise GOD for His amazing grace and miracles done.

- Be a good influence to Your friends.

- Manifest your faith and commitment to GOD.


- Do not ignore the words of GOD.


Lord Jesus, we know that You can speak the words of eternal life and healing to people in great need. We bring them to You in prayer today. Let them be healed by the power of Your precious name Jesus! I am forever grateful for the cost You had paid for our sins and the benefits that we can acquire through Your sacrifice at the cross. You only is our healer!

I am grateful for my loved ones, family, friends, siblings in faith and the great people surrounding me. You truly blessed me with them Father GOD. They really help me to grow in You. Use me also Father GOD to draw them to You also. And let them experience You're amazing love and faithfulness to us!


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