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A/N: thanks for 1k!!!

Tres: fuck I love Billie Joe Armstrong a lot

yelyah Kiyoko !!; me 2

Sexuality Crisis Urie: same

Princess Lexi: relatable

Daddy Jack: true

BillieJoe: lowkey think they forgot we're dating

Yelyah Kiyoko !!: why didn't I know this

Yelyah Kiyoko !!: my OTP

Tres: oh

steFanie: hoLY sHIt

Ashley F U: these reactions are priceless lmao

Tres: true

yelyah Kiyoko !!: ok but as a 12 year old my locker had like a Trillie shrine in it

Kinky Aesthetic: kinky

BillieJoe: there's a fine line between cute and creepy and I'm not sure if that crosses it or not

yelyah Kiyoko!!: shit

steFanie: rip

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