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A/N: this chapter is literally a filler so the next one makes sense o k

Jenna McGay: the school supply list was released

Tay JarGay: I hate school but school supplies are exciting

Smol Gay Jewish Boy: tru

Tol Gay Jewish Boy: what's the list

Jenna McGay:
11th grade regular English: 2 inch binder, tabs, highlighters, pens, pencils, one subject spiral bound notebook
11th grade advanced English: all of that but instead of a one subject notebook a three subject

Latin II: one inch binder, tabs, pencils, red pen, three subject notebook, folder
Latin III: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pencils, Pens, one subject notebook
Latin IV: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pencils, highligters, colored pens, three subject notebook, folder

American History II: One inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highligters, one subject notebook
Government (11th grade): Two inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, loose leaf paper
World Geography (11th grade): one inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, loose leaf regular paper and graph paper
AP American History: Two inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, three subject notebook
AP World History: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pencils, pens, colored pencils, loose leaf paper
AP European History: two inch binder, tabs, pencils, pens, colored pencils, highligters, three subject notebook

Math II: Two inch binder, spiral bound notebook of graph paper, folder, tabs, pencils, pens, colored pencils, graphing calculator
Pre-Calc: 1.5 inch binder, loose leaf graph paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils, tabs, graphing calculator
Calculus: 2 inch binder, spiral bound notebook, graph paper, pencils, pens, graphing calculator
Analytics: 1 inch binder, tabs, spiral bound notebook, graph paper, graphing calculator, pencils, pens
AP Math: 1 inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, graph paper

BioChem: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, three subject notebook, folder
Chemistry: Two inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, loose leaf paper
AP Chemistry: 1.5 inch binder, pens, pencils, colored pencils, graph paper
AP Earth Science: 1.5 inch binder, pens, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, one subject spiral bound notebook
AP Physics: 2 inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, graph paper
AP Biology: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, paper

11th grade computer science: one inch binder, laptop, pencils, tabs
Graphic Design II: spiral bound notebook, folder, pencils
Gym: clothes and gym bag
Health: 1.5 inch binder, tabs, pens, pencils, highlighters, paper
Music History: 0.5 inch binder, folder, tabs, pencils
Songwriting: Folder, paper, pencils
Art III: writing utensils

Rock band: your instrument, folder, paper, pens/pencils
Chorus: folder, pencils

Pencil case, pencils, pens, colored pencils, highlighters, markers, sticky notes, planner, backpack, lunch box, gym bag, laptop/tablet, phone/iPod touch, any instrument if played, homework folder/binder, extra folders

Kinky Aesthetic: we should all go around and say what we're taking (5 main classes, then electives in the order you're taking them, and music)

Sexuality Crisis Urie: advanced English, Latin III, AP world history, Math II, AP physics | computer science, graphic design, health | chorus & rock band

Ryro: Advanced English, no language BC finished my years, AP American history, math II, chemistry | art, graphic design, health | chorus & rock band

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