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A/N: someone appreciate suburbia by Troye Sivan with me and mr robot I mean that show damn

June 23rd, 2016 | Pittsburgh, PA (again)

Mark-182: final show today

Gabey Babey: this has been an amazing experience

Lyrical: true

Mike Fu(entes): I want to do this all summer, I want it to be my life

Tony the platypus: babe we still don't have a bassist

Mike Fu(entes): rip

Vic Fu(entes): rip is right™

Kinky Aesthetic: new fav phrase

Vic Fu(entes): I feel so accomplished

Kinky Aesthetic: ahHHHH

Alex Doorframe: hey guys so um the four of us are being homeschooled next year so we're leaving. Best of luck

Alex Doorframe, HeyThereImShannon, Kyle David balls, and emo YouTube King have left the chat

Anthony Padildo: we're just inactive so bye

Anthony Padildo and Ion Hecock have left the chat

Kinky Aesthetic: rip

They set up for the final show. They had gained hundreds, even thousands of fans. It was insane for them. They were proud. People began to sing along and know the words to everyone's songs, not just the headlining bands.
When PVRIS performed Lynn said
"The first show I played here I think there were about 20 people, and two weeks later I come back to about 1000, holy shit thank you"
Their set list ended with mind over matter.

This is not just all in your head, mind over matter makes these things feel so real

Group Chat II : Not Your Average SummerWhere stories live. Discover now