
53 6 2

June 13th, 2016 | Columbus, OH

Tyler woke up particularly early, more like 4am and driving to who the knows where early and he began to write a song. His iPod had died and had no music, reminding him of the experience when his car radio didn't work. He was sad and Josh and was asleep. He had escaped Josh's grasp and grabbed his writing journal. He began to write
I have these thoughts
So often I ought
To replace that slot
With what I once bought
Cause somebody stole
My car radio
And now I just sit in silence


By 2pm everyone was awake and setting up for the third show.

"Hey Josh" Tyler said.


"I wrote a new song, and I was wondering if you'd think of good keyboard / drum beat while I work on piano? I want to perform it tonight"

"Of course babe"

The band began to practice their new song, little did they know that song would get them into the mainstream.

When they performed it for the rather small crowd, since face it, most people only wanted to see the headliners; the crowd was emotional and the couple was truly proud.

During paramore's show Taylor swift made a guest appearance and the entire crowd freaked out as expected. It was almost everyone's favorite night so far.

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