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A/N: writing private convos is fun so this is between ash & Mel on August first

Melanie Martinez: you're so cute did u know that

Ashley F U: I do now

Melanie Martinez: I'm so lucky to have you

Ashley F U: and I'm so lucky to have you

Melanie Martinez: remember when we met we hated each other

Ashley F U: I hated you BC I thought you were cute and I didn't want a relationship

Melanie Martinez: aw aw

Melanie Martinez: I hated you BC you were like 50 million times cooler than me in the gc

Ashley F U; if it weren't for the gc we wouldn't be together

Melanie Martinez: bless Pete & Lights TBH

Ashley F U: true

Melanie Martinez: I miss Pete sometimes

Ashley F U: same

Melanie Martinez: I think we all do

Ashley F U: he was such a good friend and I always sat with him in English since like 5th grade

Ashley F U: it's still weird not having him next to or near me

Melanie Martinez: I didn't know him for very long but he always made me laugh

Ashley F U: fffffffuck I just remember breaking down in the car on Halloween and my costume being ruined and now I'm gonna cry

Melanie Martinez: I'll drive to your place ok

Melanie Martinez: everything will be okay

Group Chat II : Not Your Average SummerWhere stories live. Discover now