not an update

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an: the gif above honestly has nothing to do with what you're about to read....I just put it in because it was funny.

Hello. Bonjour. Ciao. Hallå. Kamusta. Hallo. Hola. Aloha.

I'm not sure how I can analyze exactly how I'm feeling through this, but I'm determined to try my best. This book was posted in I wanna say July? And since then, as you can probably tell, I've grown really really lazy when it comes to keeping you guys updated and imagining yourself, but I think I'm going to finish a few more before I complete this.

I feel that Wattpad is almost like my home away from home, and at home I got chores...keeping you guys updated feels like chores and an obligation that seems a little much for me to handle. Don't think I don't want to write, I do, its just that sometimes I just feel like deleting my account all together, but you guys had become apart of this and if i do that I feel like i'd be losing almost as if a second family.

I'm not taking any more requests, I'm sorry and I utterly hate when I have to turn requests down. But as of now, I'm going to finish the requests and yes I understand it's taking 45799327904 years for me to do, there's just been more on my mind than this.

I'm taking time away from my imagines, if you couldn't tell lol, to write some legit fanfictions! Yes, there's a lot of them so that really explains my absence of late. I may only do a few more imagines before completing the whole thing. I hope you understand, babes, but I'm writing some fresh new shit for you and I hope you're just as excited as muah!

I love you all so so so much (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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