# 13: He comes to your basketball game♡ (Imagine for Janayshia)

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#13: He comes to your basketball game (imagine for janayshia)

Your fingers curled around your knees as you paused to chase after your breath. You could easily feel your sweat glide down the contours of your complexion, your arms, back, torso, everywhere. You started to think to yourself that you needed to sit down and let your body have a rest, but somehow you talked yourself out of it.

You stood straight, inhaling another breath before your began a steady jog down the basketball court. Seated in the front row beside your parents, you saw your boyfriend, observing with his eyes concealed behind his raybans. Feeling your cheeks flush, you lined up beside an opposing player while one of your team mate bounced the basketball in preparation for her free throw.

The gym was silent, your eyes fixed on the basket. Her hands went up and her arms launched the ball in an arch, the ball made it in. "Whoo hoo!" You heard the crowd cheer. Then the ref got the rebound and passed it to your blonde haired teammate once more.

"One more shot." He stated and this time you got in a stance ready to jump up and get the rebound. It was over time and after she shot, she missed, but you were quick enough to grab the ball as it fell from the backboard and threw it up, clueless of if it would make it.

You heard the ref's whistle blow as you landed on the floor. "Yeah Janayshia!" You heard people from your highschool section yell and you glanced up at the score board as everyone was jumping up and cheering.

The basketball you shot made it in.

"Two!" The ref said bringing up his two fingers and showing the score board people. You were being hugged by your teammates on the floor and then quickly ushered over to the free throw line. But as the ref was talking to the score board people, you stole a glance at Justin who sat there pleased, a proud smile on his face.

The ref came back and passed you the ball. "First throw now girls, just relax." He mumbled as he stood opposite you behind the base line. You dribbled the ball twice, then picked it up, and shot.

Basket number 1.

"Last one, girls," the ref said again. You shot again.

Basket number 2.

The crowd went wild and the section all jumped off the bleachers to hug you, a huge crowd of people were mobbed around you but you were looking for Justin.

As everyone calmed down, you were allowed the space to go over and speak with your parents. "Good game girl!" Your father patted you on the back before bear hugging you. He whispered in your ear, "You won us the game."

You walked out of the school wearing your ripped skinny jeans, and your team's basketball sweatshirt. Your basketball bag hanging on your shoulder as you looked around for Justin's car. You saw someone flick on their lights and you smiled. It was him.

"Good game tonight!" A boy said as he lightly punched you in the arm. "Game winner." You laughed and walked towards Justin's car, resting your arms on his car window ledge.

"Good game tonight, Janayshia." He commented upon your approach to his car. You shrugged and looked around his car.

"I was scared, my legs were shaking when everyone stood up and cheered." You said with sigh.

"You definitely deserved it, Princess." He said before pressing a kiss to your nose.

"Want to go to a party tonight?" Justin questioned.

Although a nice long sleep bit at your ankles, you nodded your head and climbed into the car beside Justin. You tossed your bag in the back seats, and strapped yourself in with the seat belt.

The entire ride consisted of Justin gushing over your amazing playing tonight, which only made that scarlet color ignite the apples of your cheeks. He was genuinely proud of you, he always was. He loved seeing you do what you did best, and he'd even take it to Twitter that you're the best he's ever seen.

Justin, after twenty or so minutes, parked outside a lit up frat house. You could feel the floor of his car vibrate in sync with the music.

Upon arrival, everyone complimented you on your playing tonight.

"That fucker planned this," you began to think to yourself with a smile on your face.

The music booming through the house only ignited your upmost excitement, compelling your body to me in sync with it. Justin began to dance with you, his hands wrapped over your hips while your head falls over his shoulder.

He took that as an opprtunity to congratulate your win.

"You played amazing tonight, Janayshia. Best by far that I've seen from you." Justin said, while your brought your hands to roam his scalp.

Your hips swerve to the music while what felt like a permanent smile displays on your face. "You know it," you tell him.

an: yeah this is 23578722 years late. I'm so sorry :( I'll post an author's note in explanation of my absence on wattpad. I hoped you loved it, or at least liked it Janayshia ❤️ I can't thank you enough for your patience!

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