#1: you have a panic attack ♡

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an: as promised, the JB imagines (dos) is finally out and not 700 years late! Hope you guys enjoy these.

#1: you have a panic attack ♡

You should've given this second thought. The limo's tires rolled against the asphalt pavement, charily creating its approach to the cluster of people standing in front of the arena. The red carpet was already set up and prepared for yours and Justin's appearance, but the longer you contemplated about it the more anxious you got.

Justin seemingly took notice of your fidgety state and took your hand in his. "Babe, you're okay. It'll only be thirty seconds, not even." His voice consoled, but it was nothing more than a faint murmur being the anxiety had definitely gotten the best of you.

Your chest fell in lumbering breaths while your heart battered inside you. The hairs on your arms stood straight as the goosebumps washed over like a wave. Nausea certainly had its part as it curled and looped throughout your insides.

"Jesus, Justin. I-I can't do this with that many people watching me." You admitted, only taking a few milliseconds to look at him before your eyes flashed back through the glass.

Justin crawled out from his seat, whispering the driver to take a few more roundabouts the block before perching on his knees infront of you. "Princess, babe look to me right at me. You can do this, you've done this so many times before."

Your lip quivered uncontrollably as his words took their toll. "Hey hey, (Y/N)." Justin says once he notices your focus isn't as solid as he needs it to be. "Don't look at them, look at me and only me. You're okay, I won't let them hurt you. I'm here with you and I won't ever leave your side."

Justin's body lifted up and his lips met yours, kissing you as gentle as he could. "You're okay, (Y/N). Just breathe." He whispers softly against your lips just before planting another mild peck.

Your body finally -after much overwrought outbursts- settled and you found yourself eligible to make tonight's appearance at the award show. "Come here," Justin said, pulling you into his embrace.

"I hate that you go through those, I wish there was a way I could stop them cos it breaks my heart seeing you that way." He added, brushing his fingers throughout your hair, careful not to mess it up.

an: ehhh? first imagine, but it works right? Requests will be open soon!

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