#7: he sneaks into your room ♡

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#10: he sneaks into your room ♡

Hurdling into your bed, you attempt to cling onto any ounce of warmth possible. The departure from the bathroom to your bedroom felt like an ice box, freezing you to the bone that goosebumps varnished your skin.

Fifteen minutes go by and your phone chirped with a text message, in all likelihood your boyfriend. You shifted in your bed, adjusting your laptop on your other side before stretching your arm out to snatch your phone. Your finger presses down on the little button at the top of your phone, bringing the phone to service.

Justin's name was presented on your phone's lock screen, displaying only a sliver of a much longer message. A smile stretched your lips, creating a one that was just too impossible to fight back.

Your thumb moved to unlock the phone in your hands and give you access to the message. The phone unlocked directly after you'd tapped in your passcode.

Justin: hey gorgeous. how was your day?

A familiar warmth swirled inside you as you read over the text repeatedly. He always found a way to make your day, even if it was a minute till midnight.

You began to text back with: Great! And yours? 😘

It took a couple minutes for a response from Justin, but he texted back.

Justin: it was alright, could've gone better. Talking to you finally makes up for it.

You: what was wrong?

Justin: idk, just felt long.

You: well you have a new day tomorrow! Hopefully it'll go better

Justin didn't reply after a few minutes, so you took the chance to fish out your book from the drawer beside your bed. You got in a couple pages before you phone chirped with a text.

Justin: you're beautiful, you know that?

A significant flush of bright scarlet colored your cheeks as you read the text repeatedly. He's said sweeter things, but this one stood out above all the others. You just couldn't put your finger on it.

You: lol you can't see me?

Justin: don't have to, I just know you are.

As you analyzed what you wanted to reply back with, you heard a knock at your window. Fear battered at your chest of all the possibilities that waited behind your shades. Eventually, you built up the courage to move towards the window.

The shades peeled apart from each other, the moonlight instantly pouring into your dark bedroom. "What the actual fuck, Justin?" You wanted to let out a roar of hysterical laughter, but you knew if you made so much as a chuckle, you'd be grounded for life.

"Hi." Justin smiled, pulling his body through the windowsill with no consent.

Your head craned over your shoulder, peering at the door for intruders (a.k.a: your parents). "You are insane!" You stammered in the softest tone you could muster.

Justin hopped to his feet, maintaining his stupid grin. "You're complaining?" He badgered, veering your body towards him with the pull of your hip.

Your arms secured around his neck, bringing your lips to his. "I might be." You replied in a quiet murmur.

Justin drew out a gruff chuckle, buckling your hips against the top of his thighs due to the height difference. His velvety, light pink lips ghosted over your own, eliciting you to grow eager to actually kiss him.

His lips, after much provoking, budged against yours. You let out a quick breath when you felt Justin's arctic hands slip under your thighs, boosting you off the ground.

He carried you towards your bed, enduringly hovering above you and peppering your goosebump ridden skin with kisses. "Justin," you breathed out, your fingers curling in his best of brown hair. "We can't do this."

Justin only moaned against your skin, imaginably attempting to say something but only coming out as an incoherent grunt. Your neck arched up, bestowing him more access to leave a trail of kisses down your neck.

"If my parents catch us," you began, averting the baleful moans that bubbled at the back of your throat. "My dad will kill you."

Justin scoffed, bringing his face a few inches away from yours. "Yeah right." He skepticised, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I'm serious! Like blood and cops and teddy bears on the sidewalk kill you!" Justin only laughed at your very overstated theory, shaking his head before rolling off you.

"I hate that you still live with your parents," Justin groaned out, pinching the bridge of his nose in the process. You rolled your eyes at his declaration, because he knew that you're still in highschool and there wasn't anything you could do about it.

"Why can't you just move in with me already, (Y/N)? We could do whatever the hell we wanted without worrying about your parents." Justin implored, shifting on the mattress to read on his side.

Your eyes closed, darkness cloaking your vision. "I only have a year until I am able to and then," you roll on your face, coming face to face with your boyfriend. "I'm all yours."

an: 8th coming soon

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