#2: first kiss ♡

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#2: first kiss ♡

Much time had passed, but how much time you couldn't be sure. You always lost track of time when you were with Justin- not that it was ever a problem.

The sun hung over Justin's house, gifting you with a gentle heat. He couldn't have picked a more perfect day to go swimming.

You giggle lightly as you watch Justin resurface in his pool, spurting out water that had evidently slipped into his mouth. His hair, stuck to his face and continuing to pulse with water, looked darker than its natural color.

Justin whipped his hair out of his face, enticing the water to rain around him. His shoulders and face held a soft glisten as he trudged towards you.

"Your hair is still dry, (Y/N)." Justin pointed out once he stood in front of you.

"Yeah, so?" You counter, settling your hands on your hips beneath the pool's surface. Your fingers were clear evidence of how long you'd actually been in the water.

"You need to get it wet." He retorted, gingery sprinkling drops of the chlorine onto your head.

"Says who?" Your head tilts back and out of the waters touch.

"Says me, now go under water!" Justin demands in a playful tone, commencing into splashing you with large waves.

"Justin! Stop! I don't want to get my hair wet!" You scream, paddling away in an escaping pace. Your legs kicked as your arms stroked beside you, sending you away to the other side of the pool.

Although you wanted to believe your pathetic doggy-paddle got you to safety from Justin's conduct, you thought wrong when you felt his fingers latch around your ankle, yanking you back to him. "And where do you think you're going, princess?" Justin murmured in your ear, curling his long arms around your waist.

"Away from you, where else do you think I'd be off to?" You tease back in little attempt to free yourself.

You heard him chuckle behind you. "Yeah you'd think so, wouldn't you?" Before you could muster a reply, you felt the water evacuate your body. Justin held you in the air above his head before tossing you back into the water.

Your promise to yourself that you wouldn't get your hair wet obviously didn't last because your found yourself holding your breath under the water. Resurfacing, your hand swiped over your face, disputing of the water droplets.

"You are such an asshole!" You declared, pushing back your hair that stuck to your skin.

"I may be an asshole, but I at least got you under the water, (Y/N)." Justin giggled, swimming towards you.

Your arms folded over your chest in a pout. "I think its cute that you plug your nose before you go under water." He smiled at you, lurring your into him by your hips.

Knitting your eyebrows together, you look at him. "I didn't even realize I did it." You answer back honestly.

Justin grins at you, his eyes flashing from your eyes then back to look at your lips. In that moment, you were in true belief he was going to kiss you.

With his right hand, Justin squeezed your hips. His left snaked behind your neck, his thumb settling against your jawbone as his lips veered towards your mouth.

"(Y/N)! Your mothers on the phone! She said she needs you back!" You hear Pattie announce from the balcony.

Justin froze; millimeters away from your lips and you pulled away. "I guess I have to get going." You whisper, walking backwards towards the ledge of the pool.

Justin gazed at you, watching in agony as you gripped the ledge, preparing you pull yourself out of the water. Before you could do so, hands grabbed at your hips, plunging you back into the water.

"Justin Drew Bieber!" You squeal as he turns you around.

Instead of giving you a piece of correspondent banter, his hands guided your legs around his waist. Your arms twisted around his neck. "You are not leaving until I get a kiss from you." He mumbled, tucking a strand of your wet hair behind your ear.

You felt the cool tile of the pool's wall against your flesh as Justin pushed his body against you. His lips met yours in a simple kiss. One kiss altered into two and before you could think of it, his mouth moved in sync against your lips.

Lacing your fingers through his damp hair, he pulled away, smiling in satisfaction. "I have no idea why I hadn't done that sooner."

an: second imagine! requests will be open soon, but not yet.

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