Chap 11 "More Details"

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Haylee's POV
Chris came to the studio as I got done with a photoshoot. I took Chris to my dressing room. "I have something for you," I smiled. I got a ring and put it on Chris. "This was my dad's. I want you to have it."
"You're not going to be sad anymore," Chris smiled. "Okay?" I sighed. "Come here." He kissed me. "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled.
"Haylee," Nick replied as he opened the door.
"Nick, mind knocking?" I asked. "What?"
"Uhm, your foster mom," Nick sighed. "She wants to know when you're going to be home."
"Whenever I get off," I nodded.
"I'm driving you to the penthouse," Nick sighed and closed the door.
"I'm sorry," I sighed. I looked at Chris. "I know you'd do anything to make me happy."
"I got kicked off the track team for you," Chris smiled. "Is that enough proof?"
"I didn't want that," I sighed. "But I guess it's too late now. You made that decision on your own." I looked at Chris. "You're a really sweet guy, Chris. Just give me a couple days and I'll see what I can do about having my foster parents pull some strings and getting you back on the team."
"I wouldn't mind," Chris shrugged. "If you want, then okay." I nodded and he kissed me. "I'm here for you."
"Thank you," I smiled. The door open and it was Finn. "Dad."
"It's time to go," Finn nodded.
"I'll see you later, Chris," I sighed. "Tomorrow, okay? Bye." I got into the car with Finn and he drove me to the precinct. We walked inside. "What's with the nine-one-one?"
"Haylee, are we getting anywhere with the case?" Olivia asked.
"The details are too narrow for me to narrow down the students," I nodded. "Description is plain."
"Then we don't have a case," Olivia sighed.
"That's perfectly fine," I smiled. We talked until that night. I slept at the bunker. I woke up the next morning, took a shower, and got dressed in white denim shorts, black ankle high heel boots, a white cami, and a sea green road trip tank with a sleeveless leather jacket. I walked back into the squad room. "I am going to see Chris."
"You and Chris have been getting close," Nick nodded.
"It's called a relationship," I replied. I went to school and Chris looked at me. "Hey, Chris." Chris handed me the ring back. "What are you doing?"
"I promised to give this back," Chris nodded. "Look, we can still have lunch together."
I nodded. "No, Chris," I sighed. I grabbed the ring and walked off. I went to the penthouse. I stayed home and took the online classes for two weeks. I was at home one night and my phone started vibrating because of a Skype call from Chris. I picked up but turned my video off. "Hm."
"Haylee?" Chris asked. "Are you there? Come on put on your video." I sighed. "I look for you everywhere at lunch, after school too. Haylee?" I nodded. "Come on, don't be like this. Talk to me." I sat on my couch. "Haylee, you know I love you. Haylee? I'll do anything for you." I turned on my video and he saw I was crying. "Babe, where were you?"
"I've just been distant," I sighed. "I'm sorry. Come and see me?"
"Okay," Chris nodded and hung up.
I sighed. "I'll see you in a few minutes," I nodded. After an hour there was a knock on my door. I opened my door. "Olivia, what's going on?"
"Your boyfriend is in the hospital," Olivia nodded.
I grabbed my car keys, the ring, and drove to the hospital. I found Chris' room. I walked in and gave him a hug. "Are you okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine," Chris nodded.
"Who did this?" I asked.
"I don't know," Chris nodded. I put the ring on him. "But don't worry. I'm fine."
"Okay," I nodded. "Well, I gotta go to my photoshoot but we'll be in touch. I'm trying to stay out of your mom's way." I went back home. A couple days passed. Chris skyped me. "Hey." I grabbed my laptop and went to the kitchen. "Are you okay?"
"I'm doing good," Chris nodded.
"I feel so bad that you were on your way to see me," I nodded. Chris was still wearing the ring. "Who were those guys?"
"I don't know," Chris shrugged. We just looked at each other. "I miss being with you, Haylee."
"Yeah, well, it's starting to get pretty busy with the shoots," I nodded. "And your mom hates me. So, I could probably go and climb in through your window." I looked at Chris. "I miss you, really bad."
"God, I need to see you," Chris sighed.
"And you will," I smiled. "I do have something to tell you face to face." I looked at Chris. "Is there anyway I could come over?"
"If you can get pass my mom," Chris replied.
"I got something for that," I nodded. "I'll see you in a few." I closed my laptop and went back to my room. I got dressed in black ankle boots, dark blue denim shorts, a black cami with a white road trip tank, and a sleeveless denim jacket. I clipped my gun and badge to my shorts. "Time to do this." I walked into my living room. "I be back, Nick."
"Give this to Chris," Nick handed me a piece of paper. "We got Chris back onto the track team."
"He's going to be happy to hear this," I smiled. "I'll be back." I drove to Chris' house and knocked. "Mrs. Stuart, I'd like to speak with you're son."
"You're the reason he got kicked off the track team," Mrs. Stuart replied.
"What I have here is a statement regarding that," I nodded. "The NYPD apologizes for any confusion with the case but he was the one who decided to get involved." I looked at her. "I was told to deliver this personally to him." She let me in. I went down to his room and knocked. I walked in and closed the door. "Hey."
"Hey," Chris smiled. I walked over to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you made it through the door."
"I'm surprised too," I smiled. "But I have this for you." I handed the letter to him. "I think you'll be quite pleased."
Chris read the letter. "This is great, Haylee," he smiled. "But I'm not sure I'm going to be running anytime soon."
"I know," I nodded.
"How'd you get your friends at the PD to get this so quickly?" Chris asked.
"Okay, I wasn't honest with you," I sighed. "I was somewhat honest with you. You can't be mad at me for this."
"If you have a valid reason for it," Chris replied.
"I was undercover for the precinct," I sighed. "Olivia Benson and Finn are my co-worker along with Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins." I looked at Chris. "The modeling isn't a lie." I took my badge off my shorts and handed it to Chris. "I'm a detective, Chris. I'm twenty two years old. Uhm, I honestly don't know much about my real mom other than she died when I was an infant. My dad is barely in a functioning state." I looked at Chris. "Please say something."
"I'm not mad at you," Chris nodded as he handed me my badge back. "What about us?"
"Everything," I sighed. "Our relationship, my feelings, all I did for you is real. I did it out of love." I nodded. "I wasn't suppose to fall in love during this mission and I did. But I'm glad I did fall in love with you."

Chris' POV
"What exactly was the case?" I asked.
"I don't know," Haylee nodded. She handed me her phone. "That's my dad." I looked at her. "He was part of the Chicago PD, a legend."
"Come here," I smiled. She leaned in and I gave her a kiss. "I'm not mad at you. I never can be." She looked at me. "You had probable cause to and you didn't want your cover blown."
"That's what my superior told me," Haylee nodded. Her phone rang and she looked at it. "I have to get this." She sighed and picked up. "Haylee Jennings." She looked at me and smiled. "What?!" She quickly stood up. "I'm on my way." She hung up. "I have to go."
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"There was a bombing at the precinct," Haylee replied as she grabbed her car keys. "I have to go."
"Then I'm coming with you," I nodded as I got on my crutches. "Please, let me come with you."
"Okay," Haylee nodded. We walked up to the living room. "You okay?"
"Where are you taking him?" Mom asked. She put her hand on Haylee. "You can't take him."
"Get your hand off of me," Haylee replied as she grabbed her badge. "If you hurt me, you'll be charges for assaulting an officer."
"Mom, just let me go," I sighed. "She's a detective. Just please, don't." My mom took her hand of her. "Let's go." We walked out of the house and Haylee helped me into the front seat. She got in and started driving. "Haylee, this isn't a street race, slow down."
"No, this is my team," she replied. We got to the precinct and we got out. "Oh my god."
The building was on fire, smoke everywhere. "Is there anyone inside?" I asked.

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