Chap 6 "Abducted"

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Nick's POV
"You'll get that chance," I smiled at her.
"I'll be back," Haylee nodded. "I need some air."
"Alright," I nodded. Haylee walked out. It's been over an hour and I was getting worried. I ran downstairs and see a car racing pass me. "Huh?"
"Nick!" Haylee screamed from the back of the car.
I withdraw my gun and ran after the car. I got out my phone but it wouldn't connect. "Dammit!" I exclaimed. I ran to my car and drove to the precinct. "Guys, Haylee's been abducted. I got a partial plate."
"What is it?" Amanda asked.
"3-1-5- Tengo-Zebra," I sighed. "I didn't get the last letter. It's a town car." I nodded. "The car sped right pass me with Haylee screaming my name."
"Alright guys, we got a case and a missing friend," Olivia nodded. "Let's get to work."
"Amanda pull up the security camera closest to the apartment and see if we can find a driver," I added. "Finn, I want you to start asking corner venders to see if they've seen Haylee or the car."
"It's a town car, Nick," Finn replied. "They're all going to say they've seen it."
My desk phone rang and I picked up on speaker. "Detective Amaro," I sighed.
"Nick," Haylee's voice came through as everyone stood up.
"Haylee, are you okay?" I asked.
"Not really," Haylee replied.
"Can you tell us where you are?" Olivia asked.
"No, not really," she sighed. "Uhm, I'm in his basement." I heard a sheet being pulled off something. "Oh my god."
"What?" I asked as I looked at the phone.
"There's a guillotine," Haylee gasped in horror. "He's going to behead me."
"Is there a window?" Amanda asked.
"Yeah," Haylee replied. She grunted. "I got it open." I looked at Olivia. "It's a bit narrow but I think I can crawl out."
"We're tracing the call," Amanda nodded.
"Stay on the line with me," I replied.
"Got it!" Amanda smiled. "3872 Pine Oak."
" That's six blocks out," I replied. The call went dead. "Haylee?" I looked at Olivia. "Haylee?!" My cell rang and I picked it up on speaker. "Haylee!"
"Dropped call," Haylee replied. I ran out to my car and got in. I turned in the sirens and lights. "Are you guys on your way?"
"I am," I nodded. "Not so sure about the other guys."
"Can you please hurry?" Haylee asked.
"I'm almost there," I nodded.
"I'm out," Haylee sighed. I pulled up and I saw the guy walk out of his house with a shotgun. "Unlock the door."
"Get down!" I exclaimed. Hailey hit the floor as shots were heard. I got out and shot two shots at the guy. He went down. "Haylee?" I ran over to her and helped her up. "Thank god you're okay." I hugged her. "You scared the crap out of me."
"Hey, it wasn't my fault," Haylee mumbled into my chest.
The rest of the team showed up. "It took you long enough," I sighed.
"I almost died," Haylee replied.
"I told you she wouldn't see it," Amanda replied.
"For someone who is pretty smart, is pretty blind," Olivia nodded. "I'm going to be blunt about this and say it. You two like each other."
"Just get together already," Finn nodded. "We're trying to make it easier between the two of you."
"You're actually making it more awkward," Haylee blushed.
"We'll stop," Amanda nodded.
"It's safe now to go back to your penthouse," Olivia nodded.
"Thank you," Haylee smiled. "Can we go now? I really would like to leave here."
"Yeah," I nodded. I got her in the car and closed the door. "Just not yet, okay? She just got out of a relationship with Hector. I'm going to let her take some time."
"Uhm, you basically took care of her," Olivia nodded. "I think that friend zone relationship is already gone."
"We'll see you guys later," I replied. I got into the car and started driving. "Has Heaven contacted you at all?"
"No, because there are no new dresses right now," Haylee nodded. "I still have to model that beanie for Hector. I basically promised him that I will."
"Can you just take it easy for awhile?" I asked. "You've already been through a lot today."
"Yeah, I know," Haylee sighed. "But I don't want to take it easy just yet." I sighed. "I know you worry about me Nick but just don't, okay?"
"What do you mean just don't?" I asked. "I can't turn it off or on."
"You have a choice," Haylee smiled. "You always have a choice. It's not just your job."
"It is my job," I replied. Haylee looked at me. "Because of that response I think I'm going to stay on this job a little while longer." She looked at me. "Maybe forever."
"You can't save me forever, Nick," Haylee smiled. "It just can't happen. Only because you can't be around me every single minute."
"I can," I replied. "I just have to ask Olivia." Haylee nodded. "Or quit my job."
"You can't quit your job," Haylee nodded. "I won't allow you to quit your career for something as small as me." I glanced over at her. "You have a daughter, you have an apartment. No, Nick. I won't let you."
"You won't let me?" I questioned. "Haylee, you are something else."
"I'm just me," Haylee nodded. "And we are all human. No man is greater than any woman."
"I would never think that," I nodded. "Especially when with you."
"Nick, I know about you," Haylee sighed. I was confused. "I know about your anger issues."
"How'd you find out?" I asked.
"Nick, it's okay," Haylee replied, calmly. "I know you won't hurt me."
"Haylee, I don't know how but you always seem to calm me," I smiled. "You're the best. Maria could never do that for me." Haylee smiled. "But there's something you're still hiding from me but you won't tell me what."

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