Chap 7 "Surprise"

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Hailey's POV
Nick and I went to my penthouse. "Home sweet home," I smiled. I sat on the couch and Nick sat next to me. "Okay." I turned and looked at Nick. "There's something on your mind. Do you wanna talk about it?"
"I'm thinking about what Olivia said," Nick replied. "I guess, our relationship?" I looked at Nick. "She wants us to be together."
"I don't think it's silly," I nodded. "Because I do like you. She's not-" My phone vibrated and I looked at it. "Oh, seriously?!"
"What?" Nick asked.
"Hector posted on Instagram about him being single," I sighed. "And now Heaven wants me to record a video and post it on youtube." I stood up. "I'll be back in a little bit." I went to my room and closed the door. I freshened up and changed into a different outfit. I sat on the bed with the camera pointed at me. I pressed record. "Hey, guys. Uhm, I'm sure you've all seen Hector's picture by now." I looked at the camera. "I am Haylee Jennings. We broke up because we weren't feeling it anymore. The both of us has changed since we've been apart." I looked at my phone. "So, that's the story. Well, let's talk about something else." I picked up my phone. "I have questions lined up. My manager sent these to me because it was an anonymous Q&A for me." I looked at my phone. "Okay, so the first question is who is your favorite Idol and why? Do you fangirl?" I looked at that. "That's two questions but I do have a favorite Idol." I smiled. "Uhm, I do fangirl even tho I am a model. My favorite Idol is -" There was a knock on my door and I heard it open. "Is that Nick? I can't see my door because it's behind this hallway and -" I looked to see who it was. "Oh my god." I put my hands over my mouth. "Oh my god. Blake English."
"Yeah," Blake nodded. "I have cameras with me so we're just going to pile in here for a second."
"Okay," I nodded. "Oh my god."
"These are for you," Blake smiled as he handed me the bouquet of red roses.
"I think I'm going to cry " I smiled.
"Awh, don't cry," Blake smiled as he gave me a hug. He looked at me. "You promise not to cry?" I nodded. "Okay."
"I'm not dreaming, right?" I asked. "Because Blake English is standing on my bedroom."
"You're not dreaming," Blake nodded. "But I understand you still have your high school prom dress." I nodded. "I want you to get that on and get all pretty because we are going somewhere."
"Okay," I nodded.
"Can I see your dress?" Blake asked.
"Yeah," I smiled. I got my dress bag from the closet and opened the bag. "This is my prom dress."
"Okay, so we are going to get dressed and you can meet us in the living room," Blake smiled. "Sound good?"
"Okay," I nodded. They left my room. I looked at my camera. "Looks like I'm going somewhere. Talk later." I stopped recording and let that upload on YouTube. I got dressed in my dress and put on my silver stilettos. I did my makeup and hair. "Okay."
I walked out into the living room holding my phone. "! You look so beautiful," Blake smiled. "Do you want a picture?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I handed Nick my phone. "Nick, please?"
"Yeah," Nick smiled. Blake hugged me from behind as I put my hands over my mouth. Nick snapped the picture. "That's cute."
"Thank you," I sighed as Nick handed me my phone back.
"Alright, so are you ready to go?" Blake asked. I nodded as he grabbed my hand. "Come on, detective. You can come too."
"I don't have a choice," Nick replied.
"Are you excited?" Blake asked.
"Yes I'm so excited," I smiled as we walked out of the building hand in hand. Nick got into the luxurious SUV. Blake helped me in the back. "Thank you."
"Alright, let's rock and roll," Blake smiled. He closed the door and got in the other side. The driver started driving. "Alright."
"Do you feel like you're dreaming?" Nick asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "It's like a fairy tale come true."
"Well, you're the princess. I'll be your prince charming," Blake smiled. "Whatever you want." It seemed like he was on something because he screamed out the window, "I love Haylee!" I smiled. The car stopped. "It's amazing. We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight." Blake got out of the car. He opened the door for me. Both Nick and I got out. "Alright, so I know four years, it was really heard on you. You missed a lot of fun things and you did miss your prom. So I want you to have an awesome night tonight." Blake held out his hand. "Let's go inside. Let's check it out." I grabbed Blake's hand and he led us. "Come on." We walked inside and my mouth dropped as soon as claps and cheers were heard. "Surprise."
"Oh my god," I smiled as I hugged Blake. "Thank you so much." He led me to a throne and let me sit. He put a tiara on me and put a crown on him. "Oh my god."
Blake got a mic. "I know how you missed your senior prom because your dad had the emergency surgery," Blake nodded. "And you modeled to try and keep up with the bills but it's still not enough." Blake handed me an envelope. "This is a check from retail-me-not and my band and I for ten thousand dollars to cover up the medical costs." I smiled as my eyes for watery. "Well, I managed to get ahold of most of your senior class here so we could throw you a surprise prom."
"Thank you," I smiled, "so much, Blake."

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