Chap 2 "First Date"

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Nick's POV
I had to take Haylee to the agency so I did and went back to the precinct. "Olivia," I stated walking in. "I just saw Rollins and Finn heading out."
"They're working a case," Olivia nodded. "Where's Haylee?"
"Photoshoot after the food run," I sighed. "I have to go back in two hours."
"Tell me, how is it?" Olivia asked as I sat down. "As her personal security? Other than the pay?"
"Easy to work with," I nodded. "Probably not having to keep up with everything."
"There's something else," Olivis looked at me. "You like Haylee. Every time she walks into a room you're in, you smile." I nodded. "You don't think I'm right?"
"Nick," Haylee walked into the squad room.
I smiled. "There's that smile," Olivia smirked.
"Shut up," I responded as I stood up. "Yes, Haylee?" I looked at her. "I thought I was suppose to pick you up. I'm not getting in trouble for that."
"I'll take care of Heaven," Haylee nodded. "But I have these." She handed be two tickets for the Black and White Ball. "Heaven's idea."
"For what?" I asked. "Me to be your date?"
"I can't show up alone and Heaven doesn't have time to get me a date," Haylee replied. "So, can you please go with?" I looked at her. "Come on. I don't like going just as much as you hate getting into a tux."
"But?" I asked.
"I have to go," Haylee replied. "Heaven already has everything picked put for us."
"Alright," I sighed. "I'll go with you. How big is this event anyways?"
"Let's just say I could lose my career if I miss this ball," Haylee nodded. "And I know for a fact that you don't want to be blamed for me losing my job."
"I don't want that," I nodded. "And this ball is -" I looked at the ticket. "Tonight?!?!"
"Heaven isn't ever good on time," Haylee sighed. "Come with me." We went to her agency. "Heaven, we're here."
"I thought Hector was going with you," Heaven looked at us.
"He's still in New Zealand," Haylee nodded. "So I can't take him. I'm taking Nick."
"Okay," Heaven looked at us. "Nick, what's with the tie? It's a ball, not a meeting." She changed his tie to a bow tie. "There, now you're perfect. Haylee." Heaven showed Haylee a dress. "This is for you."
"I specifically asked for black," Haylee nodded. "Not this beige color as the skirt."
"Sherri Hill had this custom made for you," Heaven nodded. "She wanted you to wear it tonight."
"Will green work?" Haylee asked. "Can I wear the mint green one?"
"We agreed you'll wear mint green if you went with Hector," Heaven replied. "Now, I know Nick isn't Hector unless he's got some really good makeup guys."
"He's in a TV series, of course, he's got good makeup guys, but you're right," Haylee sighed. "Fine, I'll wear this one."
"You'll look great like always," I replied. "No worries there."

Hector's POV
I had just finished filming the show in New Zealand early. "Finally time to head home," I smiled as I finished packing.
"Eager to go?" Najee asked.
"Yeah, the ball is tonight," I nodded. "I figured hey manager probably found her a date already so I'm going to appear on Ellen." I slung my bag over my shoulder. "We finished earlier than expected so I'm going to show up on get doorstep when she gets home."
"Why don't you just call her and tell her to wait?" Najee asked. My phone beeped. "Uh-oh. Girlfriend alert."
"Shut up," I nodded as I checked my phone. "She sent me a picture."
"What did she say?" Najee asked.
Baby Girl💍: missing you right now! Wish you were here! Could've with the green one if you did! Miss and love you so very much 😘
"She sent me a picture of her dress she had to wear because I'm not going with her," I replied. "She still looks amazing as always."
"What does your girl do again?" Najee asked.
"Last time someone said that to me, I lost her," I sighed. "But my girl is Haylee Jennings." Najee had no clue who she was. "Vogue? Model? Wedding catalogs?"
"Nope, never heard of her," Najee nodded. I showed him a picture. "Oh shit. I know her."
"From where?" I asked.
"That parade in NYC 2½ years ago," Najee nodded. "I didn't know you were with her."
"Going on 2 years," I nodded. "I don't plan on losing her."
"I hear she's a great girl," Najee nodded. "Her manager may be a little nuts but she's great!"
"I've had her model my first beanies," I smiled. "Maybe now she can model the second one."
"The ash gray ones?" Najee asked.
"Yeah," I smiled putting one on. "Everyone on the Ellen show is getting one for free today." I looked at Najee. "The older version, since I made a few too many."
"Little Hector being generous," Najee smiled. "Let's go man." We boarded our plane for the long flight back. "So, are you excited to see her?"
"I haven't seen her in forever," I nodded. "What do you think?" We landed and I went to the Ellen studio. "Alright." I put my bag in the dressing room. "Ready."
"I give you Hector David Jr!" Ellen exclaimed. I ran out onstage and did a front flip before sitting down. The audience was amazing. "Wow. I can't even do that."
"It's a way of life, Ellen," I smiled.
"Wow!" Ellen smiled. "Well, welcome to the show!"
"I'm excited to be here," I smiled.
"So, tell us, what you told me on our phone call," Ellen nodded. "About you and your girlfriend."
"My girlfriend is going to the Black and White Ball tonight," I replied. "She's Haylee Jennings." I motioned to the picture on the screen. "I'm sure you've seen her pictures. We've been together for two years. Our shoot ended early and we were sent home for a while."
"Aren't you suppose to be her date to this?" Ellen asked.
"Uhm, yeah, but we thought I wasn't going to be here," I nodded. "So, I told her to go with someone else."
"Well, we are going to give the two of you a huge surprise," Ellen nodded. "We're going to put Haylee in a box and bring her into the show."
"Basically kidnap her?" I asked.
"Yeah," Ellen nodded. "And when she gets here, you're going to hide and your going to have a bouquet of orchids too."
"Orchids are her favorite flowers," I nodded.

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