Chap 5 "Drifting Apart"

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Haylee's POV
I woke up the next day at seven in the morning. I showered in the bunker's bathroom and got ready for the day. Hector wasn't up yet so I went to my desk and sat down. "Okay," I sighed. Nick walked in with two cups of coffee. "Hey." He put one on my desk. "Thanks."
"Haylee, are you feeling okay?" Nick asked.
"I'm fine, why?" I asked.
"You just seem tense," Nick nodded. "I don't know. Maybe it's just my imagination."
"Maybe you're not imagining it," I replied looking at some files. Nick looked over at me. "I'm not stupid, Nick."
"What are you talking about?" Nick played dumb.
"I see the way you look at me," I nodded. "Don't try to deny it." Hector walked I to the squad room. "Hey."
"I have something for you," Hector smiled putting a beanie on my desk.
"It's your symbol," I replied. "What's this for?"
"I want you to model the beanie for me," Hector smiled.
"Let's talk about that once this current situation dies down, okay?" I nodded. I handed the beanie back to Hector. "I have to work. Do you have anything to do other than bother me?"
"Okay," Hector walked away, annoyed.
"God," I sighed.
"Are you two okay?" Nick asked.
I nodded. "I don't know," I sighed. "Ever since last night, things got different."
"Different?" Nick asked. "Honestly, you guys seem like the perfect couple."
"Well, honestly, I think he's not feeling it anymore," I nodded. "I love him with all my heart but in his eyes, I can tell that he doesn't feel the same way."
"What are you going to tell him?" Nick asked.
"I'm going to have to tell him we are through," I nodded. "It's the only way."
"Aren't you afraid that will break his heart?" Nick asked. I nodded. "Your afraid you'll be hurt more."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Those two years I spent with him would've been for nothing."
"You have to think about it," Nick replied. "Would you rather be happy or stay stuck in a relationship where you're unhappy?"
"I want to be happy," I nodded.
"Then go talk to him," Nick nodded. "I hate seeing you unhappy."
"Thanks Nick," I smiled. I walked into the bunkers and closed the door. "Hector, we need to talk about our relationship." He looked at me. "You're different. Ever since you came back, you're not the same guy I fell in love with." I looked him in the eyes. "I'm not going to hold you against your will. But if you want to leave me, I'll hold the door open for you." I opened the door. "I can see it in your eyes."
"Seriously?" Hector asked.
"I'm afraid so," I nodded. Hector grabbed his backpack and walked over to me. He handed me a beanie. "I'll e-mail you the pictures once I get them photographed." He tried to give me a kiss but I turned my head. He kissed me on the cheek and left. I sat down at my desk. "Alright."
"You okay?" Nick asked. I nodded my head and buried my eyes in my hands. "Come here." Nick pulled me to the bunkers and closed the door. "Hey." I lost it and Nick hugged me. "Shhh..." I cries for about an hour. Nick held me and I closed my eyes. He thought I was asleep. "It'll be okay."
"Nick," Olivia stated.
"Shhh," Nick whispered. I felt the bed dip down a little more. "I think she's exhausted."
"What happened?" Olivia asked.
"Her break up with Hector hurt her a lot more than she thought," Nick sighed. I buried my face into his chest as he moved my hair from my face. "I hope its not too much to ask for this one thing."
"What is it?" Olivia asked.
"Give me time off work to help Haylee," Nick replied. "I don't want to take advantage of her."
"The two of you take all the time you need," Olivia nodded.
"Thank you," Nick replied and I hurt the door closed. "Mi niña, mi amor, te amo." I fluttered my eyes open and looked up at Nick. "Hi."
"Hey," I whispered.
"You feeling better?" Nick asked. I nodded. "Are you hungry?" I nodded. "Yeah? Alright, what do you want to eat?"
"Honestly, I want Chick-fil-a," I smiled. "Can we get that to go to eat at home?"
"You can't go back home yet," Nick sighed. "How does my apartment sound?"
"As long as it's homey," I nodded. "Is it homey?"
"I haven't been there since I've been your personal security," Nick nodded. "It is homey to me."
"Okay," I sighed. We went to get the food and went to his apartment. "Nick, this is a nice apartment." I looked at the rooms. "Uhm, Nick, why is the second room a child's room?"
"So, maybe I haven't been completely honest with you," Nick looked at me as we said it out on the couch. "I have a five year old daughter."
"Wait, how old are you?" I asked.
"Twenty four," Nick responded.
"You had your daughter at nineteen?" I asked. "Look, ignore what I just said but why didn't you tell me you had a daughter? I could have given you the weekends off."
"Maria calls whenever she needs me to take Zara," Nick nodded. "So it's okay. Don't worry."
"Still, Nick," I nodded. "Heaven would have given you time off." I looked at Nick. "I'm glad you told me. Although, I wish I had known sooner."
"It's not easy telling the woman you love that you have a daughter with someone else," Nick shrugged.
"Do you wanna know something?" I asked finishing my food. "A real woman wouldn't judge you. They will love the child the same way they would love them if the child was theirs." I looked at Nick. "I may not have children of my own but I do want children someday after all this is over."

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