Chapter 28: Stupid Paperwork.

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Chapter 28: Stupid Paperwork.

The dinner table was awkward and I was afraid Lylia was about to freak out as she stared blankly at us and Tim just looked around awkwardly but we could tell he wasn't expecting for that to happen.

I turned to see if Ace showed any sign of regret but as I turned my head and my eyes connected with a shade of green and blue and that's when I knew.

He didn't regret it.


I might've.

Finally after what felt like thirty minutes, Lylia spoke up in the most calm voice I have ever heard her use. That's how I knew. She wasn't mad.

Oh, no. 

She was beyond pissed.

"Are you fucking with me?" I was surprised and nervous.

Surprised she used such language and nervous of what was about to happen. I swear I was about to cry. I've never felt like I've fucked up so badly in my whole life.

"Mom, we can't help it." Ace drew out and it was obvious that however Lylia would react would trigger how Ace would respond. Like, if she reacted badly, so would Ace.

"Can't help it? You can't fucking help it?" Her voice raised and I flinched back ripping my hand from Ace's and covering my face out of reflex. Tears burned my eyes and my breathing increased and became ragged. 

After the flashbacks faded and I realized where I was again, I could hear Tim's voice speak softly to Lylia and Ace trying to get me to come back. "Lylia, I'm going to go. Don't take punish them because they're kids. Don't make them feel like falling in love isn't okay." Lylia, didn't respond instead she sighed and that's when I heard Ace.

"Please, move your hands, Laney." He tugged lightly on them and I let him pull them away. His eyes were sad and immediately a few tears fell and he quickly wiped them away. "It's okay. Please don't cry, baby." He moved closer and wrapped his hands in my hair pulling me to him and I almost lost it, but instead I pushed the tears back and pulled back.

I placed my hands on his cheeks and rubbed my thumb in circles, feeling his stubble scratch the pads on my thumb. "I'm okay." I whispered and he sighed placing his forehead on mine. 

"It'll be okay, we'll get passed this. I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." His lips brushed against mine and I leaned up and pressed a long kiss against his lips. No, we didn't make out. We just kept our lips pressed against one another and when we pulled back I wiped off the lipstick that smeared from my lips to his.

We pulled away and I just about jumped out of my seat, startled by Lylia standing there with an unreadable expression on her face as she watched our encounter. My cheeks threatened to burn from embarrassment, Lylia simply just signaled for us to follow her as she lead us to the living room.

Ace grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile and I tried to give one back, but it no doubt, didn't look the least bit assuring. 

She sat on one seat as Ace and I sat on the other and she crossed her leg and waited for a second, no doubt wondering what to say.

"So, how long?" We both stayed quiet and Lylia looked from the both of us to see which would answer and I took that as the go ahead.

"We both knew we liked each other but didn't act upon it until at least last week." She nodded and then she looked at Ace. "What the fuck were you thinking?" She yelled and I flinched but knew she wouldn't hit me so I didn't freak out again.

"That was so reckless of you! Have you not thought, boy. Maybe if you think with your head you wouldn't be so goddamned reckless all of the time!" Ace stood up and started to yell back.

"Reckless? My feelings are reckless to you?" 

"Well, yeah! If you make reckless decisions like this!"

"Well I'm so sorry, mom for being reckless. It's not my fault, okay?! I cannot control how I feel about that girl!" He pointed at me and immediately wanted to shut him up before he regretted what he would say.

Lylia went to say something but Ace cut her off. "Maybe I didn't think with my head because I am so tired of being so cautious with everything! Making sure not to let people too close because maybe they'll leave or maybe I didn't think with my head because I couldn't anymore. The only thing that's ever on my mind is Layne! And I don't know if that's a good or bad thing yet." His voice was softer towards the end and Lylia stomped her foot frustrated.

"God! This is just ruining everything!" She mumbled to herself and buried her face in her hands and Ace and I were confused.

"What are you on about?" Ace questioned as I waited for what she was going to say, instead she got up and left to go to the kitchen and I grabbed Ace's hand and lightly yanked him back down onto the couch. I wrapped my hand in his and the other around his arm, hugging my side into him.

Lylia returned and slammed papers on the ground and Ace reached forward and grabbed them once Lylia urged him to take them. 

He looked at them for awhile and I studied his face and he looked up at Lylia and shook his head.

"No. You can't do that." His voice seemed like he was about to cry and I watched in confusion as Ace became angered and Lylia looked apologetic.

"Well, how in the hell was I supposed to know this was happening?! I've been planning this for a long while now. Maybe if you actually talked to me about this kind of stuff." She trailed off and I watched as Ace was clenching and unclenching his fists.

I was beyond confused and didn't know what to expect as many scenarios raced through my head. What if she was giving me back to my mom? No. She wouldn't do that. What if she was getting rid of me. Where would I go? I have no family left. I refrained from asking questions and watched their exchange instead.

"Oh, you're one to talk, mom! Maybe if you would've come to me about this first I would have shared the wonderful news about how I was falling for the girl I currently live with!" It was silent until he continued on.

"You can't do that, mom! I can't lose her!" I looked in confusion at Ace and he simply passed the paperwork to me and I took it hesitantly out of his hands. I read the top of the paper and my eyebrows drew together and I scanned through the rest of the many words that confused me and at the bottom laid the one thing that made my heart drop. 

Next to Lylia's signature, laid the one signature I knew all to well.

My mother had signed these papers.

The adoption papers. 

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