Chapter 24: "Come on" they said. "It'll be fun" they said.

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Chapter 24: "Come on" they said. "It'll be fun" they said


**** Viewer discretion advised***** 

Okay, continue.

Arriving at the laser tag place, we got all set and decided to separate into teams. "Oh! I want to be captain!" Belle shouted and we rolled our eyes. "Fine, but I'm also captain." Jake responded.

"Okay, I pick first." Belle declared and shot Jake a look when he tried to argue. He held up his hands in surrender and Belle grinned. "I pick, Lay, because she's my best friend." She grinned at me and I started to fan myself. "Well." I flicked my braid over my shoulder and we laughed.

Just as I hoped, Ace ended up on the other team and soon the bell rang signally for us to start departing. Belle and I had agreed to stick together and as we weaved through we were trying to keep our eyes open for any of our friends.

We had asked if we could do it where it was just us and they allowed it, of course with a few extra bucks. Just kidding it was like a hundred and something for all nine of us to play. Suddenly, I saw a flash of orange run behind an obstacle, I signaled for Belle to stay put.

Running around from behind shots were fired. Not really, but still. I watched as Tayla pouted and I offered a sheepish smile, which she grinned at me for. "Go kill, em." I laughed and walked back to Belle.  

Before seeing a flash of orange I jumped behind an obstacle before hearing Belle's dramatic cry of how she was dying, I decided to play along. "No!" I cried out quietly. She reached for me and I grabbed her arms pulling her into hiding with me and putting her head in my lap.

"Lay." She coughed dramatically. "I need to tell you..." She trailed off and I pretended to sniffle and her eyes fluttered closed. "No!" I cried. "Tell me what! Answer me!" I shook her and she wheezed. "Don't forget..." Coughing again. "To suck dat bitch, hoe." And with that she dramatically fell limp into my arms and I laughed before pushing her off. "Okay, get the fuck up, I got a game to win for you, girl." She laughed and dusted herself off. "Great, I'm gonna go get like a hotdog or something."

Deciding to stay put I watched as Belle walked away and realized I needed to get up and do something. Seeing a flash of green, I knew that was my team and scouted for orange. When I saw orange I decided to plan my sneak attack.

I could easily jump up on the block and stay low enough where no one can see me or I can just run around it taking them by surprise. Or not.

I checked my surroundings and decided to make my most dramatic appearance. I rolled out of my spot and pointed my gun around to make sure no one was around me. Nodding to myself I rolled again and slammed my back against the block, looking side to side.

Nodding again, I dove out and jumped up on the block and looked down at my target and by the looks of it, it's either Jake, Ace, Daniel, Diesel or Tyler. So anyone. Lol. Cute.

Jumping down screaming a battle cry which was really. "Surprise, motherfucker!" I tackled my target to the ground and shot. Locking eyes with blue and green I grinned as he pouted. "You killed me." I laughed. "Then how are you talking." Then he started to make wheezing noises and I rolled my eyes. 

"Not you too. Belle had done the same shit." He frowned. "Damn that woman." Rolling my eyes, our eyes locked and I could see the mischief that lingers around in his iris'. And then it happened. 

"Hey! You can't do that! I already killed you!" I yelled and he shrugged. "Just did." Pouting, I hit his chest and shook my stinging hand. "Ow, fuck. Jesus, Ace. I blame you." He laughed and grabbed my hand and opened my palm, kissing the middle of it. 

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