Chapter 7: Take it or leave it, bud.

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Chapter 7: Take it or leave it, bud.

"I'm going out, don't wait up." I snapped grabbing my phone and throwing on a jacket. I stormed down the stairs with my mom slurring cuss words at me. I sighed and stepped out into the night and went for a walk.

I kicked a few stones and ended up at the place I haven't been in a long time. I walked up to the tombstone and sat down next to the name that read "John Weston." "Hey, daddy. I miss you. I haven't visited in a long time." I wiped a stray tear.

"Mom's bad again. She's starting to punch now. We need you, daddy." I was now sobbing leaning on the stone for support. After about two and a half hours of just sitting there staring at the sky I decided I needed to head home. Walking into the house, my moms car was gone and it was about 2 in the morning.

I walked to my room, shaking off my jacket and pulling off my jeans with a sigh, I slumped on my bed and placed my head in my hands. My eye throbbed where she had punched me and I knew it was bruising.

A cough caught my attention and I looked up to see Ace leaning against my bedroom wall. I sighed. "Ace how'd you get in here, wait I don't care, just say what you have to and get out."

I looked up and gestured to the window with my hand. He raised an eyebrow and analyzed the probably now formed bruises. "You know, Layne, that was quite an argument you had with your drunk mother there."

I groaned.

Just perfect.

Then an idea hit me and I smirked mentally. "I don't want you telling anyone, but I do want something from you." I drew out in my business tone. "And that is?" He leaned against the wall waiting for my answer.

"I want you to corrupt me." I smirked. He raised both eyebrows interested now. "And what do I get out of this?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "You get what you enjoy most; Cause trouble along the way." He nodded and kicked off the wall.

"And if I decline this offer?" I sighed. "Oh come on, Ace." He looked at me and looked at my eye and cheek. "Layne, how long has this been going on for?" He questioned slowly, careful almost. "Since my dad died; so for, 10 years now." I stated with a head nod. His eyes turned a darker shade and he nodded.

"I'll help you." I smiled and nodded. "Okay, now what?" I questioned and he shrugged. "When will she be back?" He questioned and I glanced at the clock. "Uhm, she works at 8 so she'll probably be here at 6:30 to start getting ready." He nodded and smirked taking off his shoes.

"Well, Layne, first step, making mama mad." I raised a questioning eyebrow as he left both windows cracked open, laid his shoes on the floor and took his pants off throwing them carelessly. "Yoooo, what're you doing?!" I questioned as he started to take his shirt off.

"Staying over, it'll get her so pissed." He smirked and I did too. "Nicee." I complimented and he nodded as he pulled his shirt off and I stared a little too hard. Turning quickly before he saw me, I stood up and walked to my closet.

"Damnit, Layne, warn a guy when you walk away and you're not wearing pants!" I forgot about that I laughed lightly. "Sorry!" I called back laughing lightly.

I took off my shirt and pulled on a long T-Shirt walking back out and to my bed with a slight yawn. Ace was putting his phone on the charger and I climbed into bed and under the covers. I closed my eyes and was waiting for sleep when I felt the bed dip. We were on two different sides keeping space.

"Thanks for doing this." I mumbled to Ace. "You know, I wouldn't have told anyone anyways." I fluttered my eyes open to look at him. He was staring at my ceiling and I smiled lightly.

"Don't give up on me, okay?" The words were what I was thinking, but I didn't really want to say them. They came out as a whisper and he glanced at me, a blank face in check like always. "Once this is over, we're done talking. Just neighbors." He stated and I nodded with my own blank face.

Honestly, I didn't know how I felt about that, but I couldn't careless. I was tired of being a good girl for someone who didn't give a damn about me. I rolled over staring at the wall, all sleep gone. About thirty minutes later I heard his breathing slow and still out. I turned over to see him asleep.

I pulled the covers back and got up, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I poured myself some sweet tea and sipped it thinking about whats about to come. I glanced at the clock as the time blinked 4:05. I placed my cup in the sink letting sleep come back to me. I walked up the stairs slowly to my room and walked to the bathroom.

I peed, washed my hands and decided to wash the makeup off as well. My cheek was swollen and starting to bruise. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and to the bed. I got under the covers and closed my eyes. There was an arm draped around my stomach and the extra warmth made me stiffen.

I opened my eyes and pulled his arm off me and rolling away from him putting more distance between us. I sighed and sleep was taking over again, as I let it consume me. I was awakened to a loud gasp and a stinging sensation to my other cheek. I shot up holding my cheek.

My mother stood there looking peeved. "Layne, get him out. NOW." She growled and I poked Ace's arm that was wrapped around my waist again. He didn't budge so I poked his face. He grunted and woke up eventually.

He looked at me with a blank face then to my mother, and smirked. "Hello, you must be Layne's mother." He smirked and she scowled. "Lani, I want him gone and you studying. Now." I growled.

"That's not my fucking name, so stop calling me that." I snapped and she slapped me in the same swollen eye. The pain shot through my eye and I grabbed my face holding it looking down. I glanced to Ace with tears in my eyes, he just looked at me with his stupid blank face.

"Go." I nodded to the window. He got up and walked to his stuff grabbing it and climbing to the window. My mom watched him with a mouth ajar. I looked down at my hands waiting for the beating that was about to come.

He left and looked back, with a glint of what looked like worry in his eye. I offered him a- what I hope looked assuring- smile and a small wave. My mom walked over to the window, slammed it shut and closed the blinds as well. "What was that." She growled and I shrugged. "A boy." I questioned and she snapped.

"Stop giving me fucking attitude." She walked over to me and gripped my hair throwing me off the bed. "You pathetic, bitch!" She screamed kicking me in the ribs with her heels. I cried out in pain as she continued to kick, punch and slap me while calling me nasty names no daughter should ever be called. She finally left me in my room after a good beating.

She walked out wiping her hands against her pencil skirt and heels clicking. I lie there wishing I were with my father, wherever he may be. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

Wow. Who else is team Ace? What will Layne do? Do you think she'll actually be able to just go back to being neighbors with him? Maybe there will be special characters appearing again, preventing and messing up everything. Also, can you guys check out my other stuff, I have more to come too! Sorry for late updates as well. ~xoxo, Maggie.

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