Chapter 14: He left me too.

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Chapter 14: He left me too.

"That bad, huh?" She bit her lip and looked down self-consciously. I looked at her as if she was the most dumbest person in the world.

"Hell no, you look sexy as hell." She released her lip and smiled as she twirled around.

"Why thank you." She beamed brightly and did a little curtsy. I continued to stare at her as she smoothed it down in the mirror. She glanced behind her in the mirror, and our eyes connected and she chuckled a bit, shaking her head. Yep, that did it. I shook my head too, to clear my thoughts and watched after her as she walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"What. The. Fuck." I whispered to myself. Shaking my head, I walked out of her room, shutting the door behind me.

I needed to go do something to clear my mind at what I had just saw. I'm terribly confused, but there was one thing I was so sure about. I was going to thoroughly enjoy Layne's bad ass look. I've decided I would pass time by taking a much needed shower. I felt as if it's been 3 days since I last showered even though it was like yesterday.

Finally finishing up and getting out and on with my boring day, I thought over what Layne and I should practice. And as soon as I get out and dressed we are to talk over the much needed changes. That basically explains why I am seated with the back of my desk chair to my front facing Layne as she slowly blinks at me.

"A what?" She questions as she hadn't heard me the first 87 times. I sighed annoyance seeping into my core.

"Layne, you have to stop being a perfectionist." I explained. Once again. She scoffed multiple times, "I psht- tsk - psht." I rolled my eyes as her defensive side started to come out. "I am NOT a perfectionist, I am an organized person." It was me who scoffed next. "Wow, what a difference, Layne." She pouted at me and I rolled my eyes as I spun around. "And, if you want this to work, uncross your legs." She nods and uncrosses them.

"Check." She replies in mock solute. I refrain from rolling my eyes and smirk slightly at how lame she is. This may or may not be harder than expected. "Now, give off the impression like you don't give one fuck." She nodded again. "Show no emotions like you. Check." I actually roll my eyes this time and she laughs lightly to herself and I shake my head disappointedly.

"Alright, today's lesson is over." She nods her head and sighs, throwing her body backwards on my bed. "I literally hate the fact I have school tomorrow." I fake a gasp. "The high and mighty Layne doesn't wanna go to school?" She laughs lightly and chucks a pillow at me saying, "Shut up." I chuckle too and catch the pillow with ease, throwing it back at her.

"Hey, Layne?" I piped after a silence. "Yeah?" She asks as she gets more comfortable on my bed and goes underneath the comforter. "Have you and Belle talked lately?" I was generally curious.

By Layne's silence I could tell she hadn't and I sighed. "Layne." I called in a warning tone and she sighed aggravated. "I know, I know!" She explained exasperatedly. It was silent after that as we both were thinking. Her probably about her best friend and me just thinking about how Belle genuinely reacted with Layne.

"You should call her." I suggested and Layne nodded and shrugged. "Probably." And with that I could sense the closing of this conversation. "Layne." I warned again. Before I could continue though, the front door opened and Layne jumped up running for my door. "Mama's home!" She called as she ran throughout the house. I shook my head at the damned girl I was stuck with for god knows how long.

I got up out of my desk chair and walked out my door and down the stairs to see Layne bounce over to my mom and kiss her cheek as they laughed about something.

"Evening, mother." I greeted in a posh accent as I walked to her and she kiss my cheek. "Evening, son." I chuckled as I walked to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice. Layne scrunched up her nose in disgust. "What, can't handle little ol' me drinking out the carton?" I teased and her nose was scrunched as she replied.

"One, thats not a carton and two, I just do not enjoy orange juice." She explained and I laughed shaking my head as she explained her explanation.

"So, what's for dinner, ma?" I turned to my mother and she shrugged. "To hell if I know." Layne and I laughed as she laughed too. "What'd you guys want?" She asked as she rummaged through the cabinets.

Layne looked towards me in a way to say 'I don't care, what do you want' way. "Whatever's fine." I explained with a shrug and my mom nodded as Layne spoke. "Ima go shower then, while you make dinner." We nodded but that was useless as she was already out of the room and probably most likely running up the stairs now.

I was about to leave too when my mom stopped me.

"Ace." I turned to look at my mom with a raised questioning eyebrow. "Take a seat." My mom explained as she walked to the table and sat down. "Okay." I drew out as I sat down too, slower than she did might I add. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she sighed.

"Your father rang me earl-." I cut her off sharply.

"No." I declared.


"No." I cut her off again, more firmly this time. She sighed heavily.

"Ace what your father and I went through isn't your problem."

"Damn right it's my problem, he didn't just leave you mom, he left me too."


"No." It was silent for a couple of minutes before she sighed and gave me a soft smile.

"Very well." She concluded and pushed her chair back.

"Get ready for dinner then." I sighed too and walked over to my mom kissing her lightly on the cheek. "We're so much better without him anyways." She patted my cheek and whispered back, "I know." I looked into her glossy eyes and nodded once more before I turned around and left the room, walking back upstairs to my own room.

I dove face first into my sheets and sighed as I wrapped my arms around my pillow and closed my eyes, exhausted from doing absolutely  nothing all damn day. A few minutes later though, Layne joined me and mimicked my movements.

"I am so tired." She mumbled and I nodded in agreement. I looked over at Layne to inspect her healing bruised face, with dark bags under her eyes.

I wonder if she slept much before she came here. I don't doubt it for a minute, I mean she was up at like 3 in the morning listening to The All- American Rejects.

I chuckled lightly at the memory and Layne opened her eyes to look at me and gave me a look that asked 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' I chuckled again and shook my head. She shrugged and closed her eyes again, rubbing her forehead. She spoke so softly I almost missed what she had said.

"I called Belle." I turned to look at her as she stared at the ceiling. "Yeah?" I questioned and she rolled her head to look at me. "Yeah." I sat up on my elbow, placing my face in my hand.

"Well." I prompted waiting for her to explain. "She's coming over later so we can talk." She explained and I rolled my eyes. "Sure, invite her to my house." She laughed slightly. "Don't worry I asked your mom already." I shook my head and chuckled too.

"I feel like this house is about to get more dramatic than an episode of Keeping up With the Kardashians." She threw her head back and laughed loudly at me and I chuckled too. A little later we heard my mom call us for dinner.

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