Chapter 17: Somewhere only we know

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Chapter 17: Somewhere only we know

The amount of stares and wolf whistles I had received today sent a spark of joy rolling throughout my body. Phase one: Completed.  Now onto Phase Two: Be as rebellious as possible. I don't know how I could achieve this, maybe start out with simple things like being late to class.

All I knew is that people loved to talk, and right now, I was what they were talking all about. It was a little unsettling, but I ignored that thought. As of right now, Ace and I were at my locker as everyone headed to theirs. 

"So, what now?" I questioned and he shrugged as he glanced around the hall watching as most of the kids scattered around to get to their classes before the bell rings. 

"We can start by getting you late to class." I nodded as I shoved my bag into my locker and slammed it shut. 

"What no books?" I gave him a look and he chuckled before throwing his arm over my shoulder and steering me in the complete opposite direction than my first period. 

We walked in a comfortable silence throughout the now, mostly empty halls. It was a weird thing actually; having Ace's arm so casually thrown over my shoulder. I honestly still couldn't grasp the fact that I hated this kid not even a week ago, and now. Well, now I consider Ace as my best friend. After Belle, of course. She would kill me if she ever heard me say that. I almost chuckled at the thought. 

Ace opened up the door nearest to the courtyard, dragging me along with him. We stopped at the big oak tree that he and his friends had met at ever since he moved here. His little delinquents have always gathered around here, however.

It's no surprise when I say Diesel is the biggest nutbag I've ever met in my life. His name isn't really Diesel, nah, he just likes to go by that otherwise he'd have to go by meathead. He's literally the most buff  dude I've ever met. And that's saying a lot. Well, not really but you know. 

He sat down on top of a picnic bench that was sat right under the tree for shade. I sat on the seat- like a normal person and rested my face on my arm as I looked out into the Connecticut meadows. That's what I love most about Connecticut, the scenery. 

"What're you thinking about?" I rolled my head to the side to look up at Ace and took in his features on his face. He's never looked more relaxed and I kind of just wanna scoff at how cliche he is, like come on, buddy, What're you doing. 

I smiled lightly as I realized I haven't responded in a few minutes. And I shook my head. 

"Nothing really, just the scenery, it's the one thing I love about this place." Ace nodded in agreement like he couldn't deny how gorgeous the meadows looked with the light sunlight sweeping over the whole thing. The wind brushed past my face, blowing my hair back with it whilst ruffling the Cynosurus cristatus. 

I looked towards Ace as he peered out into the meadow, seeming lost in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about. Without turning to me he uttered the simplest of words but still had me thinking about my life in one swift movement.

"Have you ever been somewhere no one's ever been before?" I pondered over the thought and with a few silent minutes of nothing but the nature speaking to us I mumbled my answer.

"No, but I wish I were to escape. Somewhere no one could ever find me somedays you know." He took a sharp in take of air and nodded and turned his head to look down at me.

"Yeah I know." I gave a short smile and spoke up as I looked back out to the meadow. 

"Sometimes I used to wonder what life would be like without Belle. Some days I thought without her it would be easier. I could go anywhere I wanted. I could've been free a long ass time ago, but I stayed." I took a shaky breath before continuing. "And on my really bad days I wonder what it would've been like to just go somewhere, anywhere else.

But then, you came." I smiled lightly as I looked out into the meadow, now sitting side by side with Ace. "And you gave me something I haven't had for a long while." I turned to smile sadly at Ace. "You had given me hope." He turned to look at me and pulled me into a side hug. He kissed the top of my head; the sweetest movement he could ever show me. I closed my eyes tightly to keep the waterworks back.

"One day, we'll go somewhere only we know." He mumbled into my hair and I pulled back and looked up to him. "You mean that?" He smiled down to me and nodded. "Yeah, I do." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist as he brought his around my shoulder, pulling me in tightly.

"You're my best friend, Layne, I'm really glad I have you." We pulled back and I gave a small grin. "You're my best friend, Ace. And you have no idea how thankful I am for you." He grinned at me and we sat there a little longer enjoying one another company and the soft breeze. 

"Hey!" Someone shouted from beside us and Ace panicked. "Run away!" He yelled as he jumped up and ran. Oh, and yeah. He left me behind! Wow way to save your so called best friend! I darted after him and let me just say it is super hard to run in heels away from our schools authority. 

I entered the school halls and by this time I had lost where Ace went, so I was running down a corrider and imagine my surprise I had when an arm stuck out from a janitors closet and yanked me inside. I left out a small yelp and was ready to scream when he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Just chill for a sec, ya." I huffed from behind his hand and when I heard footsteps pass I pulled his hand from my mouth. "Thanks for the warning." I huffed annoyed as I flattened my skirt out and he flashed me an easy grin. 

"Welcome." I rolled my eyes at his stupid reply. With his stupid face. "Take sarcasm, Ace." It was his turn to roll his eyes as he basically pushed me out of the way to walk out of the closet. I stumbled against the wall and huffed angrily. 

"Stupid boy. Stupid heels. Stupid school. Stupid skirt. Stupid class. Stupid authority." I was mumbling nothing when Ace had said a not so politely way to shut up. I huffed again, stuck my nose up and walked past him in the direction of my next class.

Which I forget Ace had as well. So imagine everyone's surprise when we walked into the classroom together. 

"What?" I questioned. "Never seen a girl before." And with a grin I slid into a seat in the back as the teacher looked at me, jaw slightly parted and eyebrow raised. I shot her an easy smirk and she narrowed her eyes. 

"Miss. Weston, Mr. Richardson, detention for being late." As the words flew from her mouth I looked to my right to see Ace look over at me with a smirk and I felt a churning in my stomach as I sent him a smirk back. I couldn't identify if it was my adrenaline or fear, either way, I reclined into my seat and picked at my nail polish. 

Phase Two: In motion.


Does someone please, please, please wanna make me a trailer? I would really appreciate one, but I suck at making them and I'm super swamped, so if anyone and I mean ANYONE wants to help me out, message me? 

Thank youuuuu, love you lots <3

Also, vote and comment to show your love!! (:

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