Chapter 11 - Ghost Hunt

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Allen's eye twitches comically as he stared at the amusement park sign that said 'Mepphy Land'. This had Mephisto's name written all over it in sparkly pink. In hindsight he should have guessed the backwards demon would have something like this. It somewhat made sense. Note the word somewhat.

"I'd rather bring a date to the amusement park after school, not come here like this..." Shima complained.

"How was your team's last mission, Shima?" Konekomaru asked.

"I'm not even sure if you could call it a mission..." Shima trailed off looking at Rin.

"It was a huge squid." Rin said filling the dots or more so creating more dots.

"Squid...?" Konekomaru repeated unsure.

"Squid." Rin confirmed.

"That sounds delicious." Allen and Timcanpy drooled.

"Is all you ever think about food?" Rin scold.

"Oh well, that's Bulls***." Bon said annoyed.

"What?!" Rin exclaimed.

"Hmp, I mean, there are people who are not even doing anything!" Bon's statement was directed to the video gamer and the puppeteer.

"Sorry we're late!" Shiemi shouted as she and Kamiki approached the boys. However instead of wearing her kimono she wore the girl's school uniform.

"Shiemi, what happened? Your kimono..." Rin trailed off blushing slightly.

"The kimono's not fit for missions, so the principal assigned me a uniform. We're late because Kamiki had to show me how to put it on." Shiemi explained.

'That pervert!' Allen growled blushing.

"Why me?" Kamiki growled.

"I hope it's not too weird..." Shiemi said shyly.

"It's good, it's good, it's hella cute, Moriyama." Shima said with a blushing smile. Bon nodded.


Rin jumped down from his podium and whispered into Yukio's ear.

"Hey, isn't that skirt a bit too short? Huh, Yukio?" He said with a smirk.

"Why are you asking me?" Yukio just snapped his book shut and adjusted his glasses.

"Huh? You were checking out her boo-" Before Rin could finish that word Yukio whacked him the face with his book.

"That hurt four-eyes!" Rin yelled.

"It's called karma." Allen said sarcastically.

"Shut up Old man!" Rin yelled.

"Now that you're all here, let me assign you in pairs." Yukio said ignoring Rin and Allen. "Miwa, Takara. Yamada, Suguro. Kamiki, Shima. Okumura, Moriyama, Walker."

"Lately we've been getting sightings of a ghost and reports of damage here in Mepphy-Land, so today you'll investigate that. You have to find it today while the park is closed to public and as soon you do, to report to either professor Tsubaki's or my cell phone." Yukio explained.


The mission was to exorcise a child sprit that had been causing pranks all around the park. Allen had been paired up with Rin and Shiemi.

"Rin, you watch the right side. I'll watch this side and you can watch our backs Allen." Shiemi said walking stiffly like a mechanical doll.

"Ah... are you okay, Shiemi-san?" Allen asked.

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