Re-Write Chapter 1 / Incorrect Quotes / Au Ideas

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A/N: Hey-o! Its me! I'm back on time though things are going to be a little different. I'll only be posting the Re-written Chapter 1 and all the incorrect quotes and One shots I never got to. The Outline for the rest of the story I need more time.

Ended up doing half of a mini tangent on the Okumura + Allen dynamic. I promise its very important.

I'm going to aim to get that done in a fortnight but got a lot to write so may be longer.

With the Re-write its most of what I had in mind before I got stuck. The main thing was that I wanted a cooler intro and more interesting introduction for Shiro and Allen. Without further ado though lets start with the Chapter 1 Re-Write:

Chapter 1 - White Devil

A young wild man walks through the forest alone. His hair is long and messy. Despite it appearing wild and un-brushed it is as white as snow. He wore a thick brown tattered poncho like coat. A red scarf that flowed in the wind completely covered his neck. A round gold creature about the size of a standard poodle floats beside him. Its feathery wings flap constantly. The young man smiles and pets the golden creature.

"Come on, lets go find some shelter, Timcanpy." He addressed the creature. The golden ball flaps its wings and shrinks to the size of a house cat. Timcanpy then flies up and sits on the man's shoulder, burying itself in the folds of the scarf.

Behind them, leaning on a tree are the remnants of a metal human like skeleton. The nightmarish object seems to evaporate as seconds ticked by. Soon there is nothing left behind.

The young man enters a clearing and looks out on the horizon. He sees the rolling English country side covered in a thick blanket of snow. His eye seems to catch on a quaint little church in the village.

"That looks promising." He admitted aloud.

'Wait, Allen Walker.'

A voice spoke from behind him. The boy turns to see a pure white stag. The creature slowly walks out of the shadows to reveal its majestic form. Pure white fur and golden antlers with jewellery and flowers dangled off its horns. The stag towered over the young man. His left eye changes, becoming completely black with red glowing symbol in his eye. Cogs rotated in front of the cursed seeming to look into the beautiful deer's very being.

The young man smiles and reaches out to the stag, scratching it behind its ears. The deer leans into the boy.

"Since when do you call me by my full name, Arthur?" Allen smiled. He addresses the stag affectionately.

'You must not go to the village. I will take you to a safe place.'

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

'Its not safe here. He is looking for a vessel.'

"Who?" Allen asked puzzled. 


Suddenly the church lit up in a blue light. Distant screaming echoed hauntingly through the night. Allen gasped and ran forwards but the stag reached out and bit his coat. 

'Its too late. You need to hide before he knows you're here.'

The blue light disappeared and Allen stopped. A single bloody tear escaped his left eye.

'You, will do.' A wicked voice echoed in his mind.

Allen's body is suddenly flooded with pain. It lights in blue fire as his body convulsed with pain. Something was taking over, a demon was trying to possess him. His eye tries to look at the body invaded but its blinded by the sight of it. Like staring into an unholy sun.

"N-NO!" Allen screamed. Green light sparks off his left arm. "INNOCENCE ACTIVATE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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