Chapter 24 -Stare into the Mirror long enough and you will see the Devil

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Down a dark hallway lined with broken pillars and candles, exorcists and flower petals are scattered on the floor. Most of them are dead, the others are clinging to life only to die immediately after. Stars appear on their bodies and disintegrate. Akuma poisoning. There was no saving them.

The Millennium Earl walks down the bloody hall with Lero by his side. He stops at a door covered in seals and chains, most of the chains are broken and the seals seem to just peel off. Useless, like ordinary pieces of paper. He walks in to see a pedestal and a single light shine down on it.

A large key sat on a pillow. It looked like it was made out of white sea glass. Despite how delicate it looked the key contained a power to rip a hole in time and space.

The Earl walks towards the key and stops. He sees a figure come out of the shadows and into the light. The figure is Noah. He has a serious look on his face and a few of his faeries fly around him. Like bees buzzing around a hive.

"Sorry, Kazuki but I can't let you take this Key." Noah said calmly.

The Earl is silent for a moment, he then sighs. The head noah seem to shrink. The shell that is the Earl disappears. Leaving in its place Kazuki Yuuka-Lee in the yellow suit.

"Are you really going to do this Noah? You can't stop me." He growled glaring at him. "You have gone too far."

"I have gone too far?" Noah questioned. Glaring at him darkly. "Remind me, who was the one that turned father into an Akuma?"

Kazuki flinches. "That was..."

"You caved into you're instincts, brother. I won't let you forget that. Mother would of been so disappointed." Noah said coldly. Kazuki became silent.

"I love you brother but... I won't let you take the key of Light." Noah said with determination.

Kazuki's eyes are hidden by a shadow, hiding his expression. The round shapes of level 1 Akuma descend from the shadows. They appeared to be covered in vines with roses blooming from them. As they entered the scene another figure walks behind the Earl, coming out from the shadows.


Allen is trapped in the secret room. He hits the wall with his fists. Desperately trying to get out. Timcanpy tried to help, hitting his tiny little body against the door. The room is so cold to the point he could see his own breath. He could hear voices, shouting, screaming, crying and whispering.The bookcases keep shaking madly.

"Let me out!" Allen shouted hitting the door.

Aka and Mia attempt to pry the door open. Mia used her hands while Aka grabbed out his hammer.

"Grow!" He commanded.

The handle extended into a long pole. He uses the Innocence to wedge it open. However the door wouldn't budge. It was as if a force was holding it shut.

"Allen!" Rin shouted on the other side of the door. He runs up to the door and attempts to pull it open. Using his demonic strength along with Aka's Innocence and Mia's efforts the door slowly starts to slide open. Slowly Aka gets the hammer's handle to slowly expand. Prying the door even wider.

"Hang on Allen! We almost got you!" Rin exclaimed.

Allen nods stepping away from the door. He looks to Timcanpy. "Get bigger and I'll push you." He said to the golem. The golem nods.

The little gold ball started to expand. While the golem got bigger the furthest candle blew out. The human candle holder turned left facing Allen on its own and the secret door closed. Locked completely. Mia and Rin let go at the very last second. The hammer slips out. Now there was no way to force the door open.

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