Chapter 8 - Timcanpy and the Cursed Eye

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"Now, we only have six weeks until the summer break. Before that you will have your Exwire authorisation exams." Yukio explained to the class.

"A squire? What's that?" Rin whispered.

"It's Exwire! It's the name for Exorcist candidates." Shimei explained.

"If you become Exwires you'll have more practical training. So the exam isn't going to be easy. Therefore we'll be going on a week-long training camp next week." Yukio continued.

"Training camp?" Rin repeated.

"The training camp isn't compulsory, so please mark down your attendance, and what field you want to advance in as your Meister on this form. You have until Monday to hand it in." Yukio explained handing out forms to the class. When Rin received his he seemed confused.

"Meister? Field?" Rin said uncertain. Allen sighed then guided Rin to Bon for help on the matter.

"Hey, what's a 'Meister'?" Rin asked. "Tell me... please."

"He's not kidding, Suguro-san, I thought it be best if you explained." Allen said.

"You want to become an exorcist and you don't even know that?" Bon exclaimed. "You're taking this too far!"

"Okumura-kun, you really don't know anything..." Shima laughed.

"There are people like that, too..." Rin said trailing off.

"Meister is a necessary qualification for Exorcists. It's a title given to those who are skilled enough. Knight, Dragoon, Tamer, Aria and Doctor are the five classes. If you get the title in at least one field you become an Exorcist." Konekomaru explained.

"I see... I think I get it." Rin said.

"Who said you could sit down?" Bon exclaimed.

"And the fighting style of each Meister is very different." He explained.

"I see. Thanks, Konekomaru. What are you taking?" Rin said with a goofy grin.

"Shima and I are aiming for Aria." Konekomaru explained.

"Aria?" Rin repeated looking down at his sheet.

"Arias fight by reciting the Bible and other holy scriptures." He said.

"Bon is overdoing it again, he's taking both Aria and Dragoon." Shima said.

"Huh, that's amazing, Bon!" Rin exclaimed.

"Don't call me Bon!" Bon shouted.

"By the way, Mr Okumura is a Meister in both Doctor and Dragoon too." Konekomaru added in.

"He's amazing..."

"We already knew that Rin." Allen said. "We always thought he'd be a doctor before we knew about all of this."

"What should I take? To begin with, what's a Dragoon?" Rin asked.

"You're seriously annoying!" Bon said losing his temper. "Dragoon Meisters fight with guns. Knights fight with swords."

"Oh look how Bon's acting all tough but explains it anyway." Shima chuckled.

"Shut up!" Bon growled.

"Did you say sword?" Rin asked.

"Yeah. The Miesters who fight with swords are called Knights." Konekomaru explained.

"Then I'm taking Knight." Rin said.

"It would suit you, Rin." Allen said.

"Speaking of which, you always have a sword with you." Konekomaru said.

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