Chapter 27 - ...of Grace

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Down in the depths of the Diavolvi mansion the fight between the waves of Changelings and the trio of Exorcists continue.

"...Our Master wants a family reunion to remember."

The changeling smirked darkly. His monstrous sharp teeth gleams as his smile widens. Around the pair, changelings either attack Tyki and Mia or climb up the walls. While the Black Division exorcists had no trouble fighting the Changelings individually the huge amount seem to overwhelm them, allowing dozens to get pass them.

Tyki is using his phasing ability to slice through the Changelings. His Butterflies maul the Changelings indiscriminately stopping only when the fae changes back into wood. However more and more of the cannibalise golems are killed by the thralls of fae, weeding down the numbers. Tyki though mostly unharmed is being worn down, his attacks are becoming slower and sloppier.

Mia however fights defensively unlike Tyki. Her strings entangling and slicing through the changelings as they attack her. It was like she had a revolving web around her. All it would take to be trapped is one touch and the Innocence sliced the fae. However the Changelings started to become more careful and clever. Hitting Mia through the little gaps and weakness in her web of Innocence. The hits cause her to flinch leaving more opens and so on. She is being worn down bit by bit.

"A reunion? What are you talking about?" Yukio questioned holding his gun up.

"It won't matter to you. You'll be dead even before my Master arrives for the Fourteenth." The Fake Krory remarked. "By then all the pieces will be in place."

The changeling leaned forward and runs towards Yukio at top speed. Yukio swiftly dodges. He needs to come up with a plan. He's not going anywhere with this.

Yukio fires a dozen shots at the agile Changeling. Though his aim had deadly precision his attention is not on the changeling but his surroundings. He looks up at the secret Library and takes note of the pulleys and gears that lift the room. He could shoot those and bring it down on the Changelings.

'But we won't be able to leave then.' Yukio looks to the other exorcists. 'Tyki Mikk would survive but who knows if myself and Noise will get out of the way in time. Too risky.'

Dashing that plan he swiftly dodges the vampire changeling again. Yukio glances to his left. He sees a candle holder in the shape of a devil with an unlit candle. His eyes light up for a moment. 'Got it.'

"Noise-san, Mikk! Stay close together!" Yukio shouted firing another round. "Box the changelings in the centre of the room!"

Mia nods and goes along with Yukio's suggestion. Spreading the innocence out, blocking the path back to the Mirror room. Trapping the exorcists with the Changelings. Tyki gives Yukio a look and sighs.

"Better not get us killed, Knight." He remarked. Tyki snaps his fingers and the butterflies dispersed, circling the Changelings and forcing the Fae to the centre of the room.

Yukio ducks under Fake Krory's swipe and pulls out a match box. He takes a match out and strikes it in one fluid motion. He reaches out to light the Devil candle. Fake Krory suddenly rams Yukio into the wall, holding him by his neck. Yukio grunts in pain, his back is up against the wall with his right hand outstretched not quite reaching the candle.

The fae chuckles and blows out the flame. "Nice try, Exorcist."

Yukio glares at him and reaches for his gun with his left hand. The changeling made a tick noise with his teeth and grabs his left wrist with a crushing grip.

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