Chapter 7 - Demon Cook and Hungry Saint

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A loud screamed echoed through the old boy's dormitory disrupting the peace of the early morning.

"I overslept!" Rin shouted running down the hallway while getting dressed at the same time. Yukio and Allen who were waiting in the lunch room finished their breakfast. At Allen's side he had an enormous pile of empty plates.

"Thanks for the meal." They said at the same time. Rin then came screeching across and in still getting his clothes on properly.

"Good morning, Rin" Yukio said to his older brother.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" Rin exclaimed.

"We tried three times but you didn't wake up so I thought you must be tired and let you sleep." Yukio said with an innocent smile.

"Don't put on that kind brother act, just try four times from tomorrow on! I'm digging in." Rin devoured his food.

"You're goggling?"

"We're running a marathon in the third period. I need to eat or I'll die." Rin said between bites.

"I'll be going then. Clean up after you're done eating." Yukio said as he and Allen gathered their plates.

"Don't make yourself sick, Rin." Allen said.

"You're not my mother!" Rin exclaimed. Once Rin had finished eating he placed his food tray in the kitchen bench and set off. Unbeknownst to all of them a seemingly dark presence watches them from the shadows of the kitchen.


"Was I late?" Rin asked himself. Beside him a very hungry Allen held on to him. Rin rushed into the crowd to get the last sandwich. "It's mine!"

...Only to have Bon grab it at the same time as Rin.

"Eh, Suguro?!" He exclaimed as Allen caught up to him.

"Look, isn't that Okumura? Rare to see you around here." Shima was not far behind said.

"Hey!" Rin waved.

"Nice to see you here, Shima-san." Allen waved.

"How long are you going to hold on to it?" Bon growled. "Let go already!"

"This is my sandwich!" Rin growled not backing down.

"This is my sandwich!" Bon shot back. "I grabbed it first!"

"Come on, Bon..." Shima said trying to calm the situation.

"You're not kids anymore..."

"Err... I'm too hungry to bother." Allen moaned.

"Listen, Konekomaru. Grudges about food can go on for seven generations. To prevent that we must settle it here and now!" Bon explained in an angry tone of voice.

"Heh, so you're called Konekomaru? That's one strange name." Rin said putting an arm around Konkomaru's shoulder.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Bon shouted.

"Rin you idiot..." Allen growled. "...You let go of the sandwich..."

Meanwhile Yukio had finally caught up watching the big crowd around the shop. "Was I late?"

"Okumura-kun!" Three female voices said behind the bespectacled teen.

"And who are you?" Behind him were three girls, all holding a bento lunch-box each.

"We're freshmen in the Special Advancement department, just like you!" The one in middle who seemed to be the ring leader answered. She had purple hair in piggy tails and wore glasses. "I'm Hashino!"

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