Chapter 4

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A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PANNAPOO! :* Love youu to bits <33

The BSE is seriously the best song ever! :') I couldn't even function properly when I watched it. HERONICA FEELS >_< Like seriously, did you see the lip bit, Harry SOOO wanted her, or him, yuuup he SOOO wanted Zayn...ZARRY! OMG! Leeroy totally made my day, like seriosuly "Now stay with me cause im quite quick 5 6 7 8" best thing eveeer! I would love to continue ranting, but you'd all probably hate me, even if I want to talk about Harry falling slightly and Louis' solo and Niall in that trolley. Well if you do want me to rant, message me and I'll be willing to rant all day for you :D


The video is on the side, have fun watching ;D

Just look at that sexy moment of Harry and Veronica (Zayn) they just have SO much chemistry, I don't get why people keep on denying that Zarry is real and insisting Larry is, that GIF makes it obvious that Zarry IS real, I mean just look at that lip bite (♥o♥) ------------>>>

Dedication: Goes to @SolaKantai becuase her comment was really nice, and also she said she was '#TeamZayn' and I was like gobsmacked becuase someone was actually taking a side on MY fanfiction, I thought that was super awesome :'D

Fact: I would like to get married to a guy who is a maximum of five years older than me. But three years is the ideal difference for me! ^_^ Oh wait...Harry is three years older than me, coincidence? I think not! ;)

I really liked this chapter, hope you do too! This is my longest chapter ever! Nine pages on Wattpad, NINE! :O

Enjoy :) x



"ZAYN! How did the tutoring go?" Mr Matthew yells as he jogged to Zayn passing the rush of students until he reached the tired looking lad, who was leaning on his locker with his eyes closed.

It has been one week since Zayn tutored Harry over at his house, since then Mr Matthew has been on a course so he has not been in school for a week. The same with Harry and Zayn, they both haven't mutters a word to one another or even glanced at the other being.

"I hate him" Zayn spits through gritted teeth once he opens his eyes to reveal his maths teacher clad in a smart black suit.

Mr Matthew chuckles "I understand you hate him Zayn, but did he learn anything? Any sort of progress?" He questions curiously while folding his arms awaiting for Zayn's response.

Zayn nods stifly "Yeah, yeah he surprisingly did. I taught him how to simplify algebraic equations, and he shockingly picked up pretty fast" he explains to the taller figure in front of him.

Mr Matthew pats Zayn's back proudly "I knew you could do it lad! I've never doubted you for a second. Congratulations Zayn!" He applauds as he waves Zayn off heading to his classroom.

"Hey mate!" Liam calls as he makes his way over to Zayn who has a small smile playing on his lips with his eyes squinted with happiness.

"Hey!" He greets as he turns and sees Liam with Niall following a few feet behind.

Hate that I love you [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now