Chapter 7

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A/N: So here is the next chapter. I've been getting a lot of comments that you want to see Zayn and Harry as a couple, so I cut out the hate on this chapter, so hope you enjoy it. This is a long filler chapter :) I'm so happy about how this story is doing, and it's all down to all you beautiful people :*

Did you all see that documentary on Channel 4? That was absolute ball-sucking bullshit -_- How could those mental up girls represent a HUGE fandom, ergh.

Apparently 42 Larry shippers died? I don't think that happened. I'm sorry if it did but I really hope that didn't happen. If you think about it, 42 beautiful people died in less then a day. This is really sad. Even if I don't like Larry, I would feel awful if someone started to hate on Zarry Shippers. So our prayers are for any Larry Shipper who is hating on themselves, they just need to read Liam's tweets ^_^


The video on the side is from one of my fans who sent this to me and I died, do I'll allow you to die with me from Zarry feels x__x

GIF: Why is it always that Harry leans down near Zayn's crotch and Zayn 'blows' his away with a little hip thrust? Are they trying to kill me, Lord help me! >_<

Dedication: @Cerra101 because she said, and I quote "This has got to be the best fanfic I've ever read!" I was just sitting there like, what? The best, seriously? It's far from that but it means so much to me when people say little things like that, see what I did there? No? Oh well... ;P

Fact: I can twist my hand on a flat surface all the way around :) Looks pretty disturbing o.O

So I hope you enjoy this :))


Feeling a pain strike through his head, Zayn bolts out of bed clutching onto his temples as he groans in pain.

Times like this, Zayn always scolds himself and asks himself why he has friends like Niall and Liam, who love to party.

The thing was, Zayn was a, very, lightweight when it came to alcohol so Zayn knew this would happen. But what he didn't know was that he would like alcohol that much. He remembers himself having numerous glasses of this lime green glowing drink which probably must have done it for him.

Unlike a lot of people, Zayn remembers what happened the previous night, even if he was totally pissed out of his mind, he never forgets. In some cases that is a great thing, but this time Zayn remembers everything. Everything from the body shots, to the embarrassing dancing and to the seductive side of him and finally to Harry and him in the forest.

Peeling his eyes open, being greeted with the morning sun rays, he squints his eyes while blinking a few times to gain his sight.

Zayn can gladly admit that he was grateful that he didn't have to hear his car crash alarm blaring through his phone, because he would definitely tear out his ears.

Dragging himself to his bathroom, Zayn brushes his teeth while he has a shower. He has a shower in cold water hoping it would help his hangover. Once he has a towel wrapped around his waist firmly, he exits his bathroom heading into his bedroom.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Zayn yells as he sees Harry sitting on his bed with a tray of food smiling brightly at Zayn.

Harry chuckles as he sees Zayn clutching onto his head due to the pain from him shouting "Well good morning to you too Sweet Cheeks" Harry greets as he sets the tray of food down walking over to Zayn with a glass of water and two Paracetemol tablets in his hands.

Taking the glass and pills from Harry's grasp, Zayn smiles gratefully as he downs the water along with the tablets, in one gulp.

"Thanks" Zayn announces as he walks over to his bedside table, placing the empty cup on it. He then sits up, resting his back against the headboard as he closes his eyes already feeling a little better.

Harry quickly walks over to Zayn, sitting on the other side of him "Oh no no no, I don't think so. You're not going to sleep, you need to eat something for your headache to go, so I made you something greasy and heavy, enjoy!" Harry says as he shoves the tray containing a full English breakfast into Zayn's hands.

Zayn looks at the sausages, baked beans, fried mushrooms, friend tomatoes, bacon, toast and eggs feeling slightly sick at the sight. This was a proper English breakfast.

Pushing the tray away lightly as sticking his nose in the air Zayn snorts "I'm not eating that, I'm not hungry" he says, emphasising the word 'not' as he crosses his arms.

Harry chuckles "Well you have to, before I stuff it in your mouth" Harry warns.

Zayn then quirks his eyebrow "Wait, when and how did you get in here?" he asks as he mindlessly begins to dip his toast into the baked beans as he chews on the, now, orange bread.

"I stayed here with you yesterday, you begged me saying you're going to be cold, even though you had plenty of blankets, I personally think you were going to fuck me but I believe you go too tired and fell asleep, I mean can you blame yourself? I am irresistible" Harry explains winking.

Zayn raises his eyebrows smirking "Oh really?" he asks teasingly placing his half eaten meal on his wooden bedside table.

Harry nods while he crawls over to Zayn, placing his hands besides Zayn's waist, leaning down close to his ears "Really" he purrs as he pulls away pecking Zayn's lips sweetly.

Gleaming brightly, Zayn asks "What are we? Because we are not exactly dating, but at the same time we are" while sitting up straighter as he begins to dig into his food once again.

"Well, I think we should just enjoy being whatever we are, let's just take it slow" Harry informs as he begins to place small bacon pieces into Zayn's mouth.

Zayn doesn't want to say that he wants their relationship to have a name. Zayn being innocent wants to be Harry's boyfriend. But he would never tell Harry that because Harry may think of Zayn being desperate. Even though he isn't, Zayn just likes to be named.

"Yeah, I agree. So yesterday was something right?" Zayn pipes up laughing as he places his plate of food down onto the near table.

Harry laughs loudly "Since when were you all seductive?" he asks poking Zayn's sides causing the tanned lad to squirm.

Zayn throws his head back groaning "It's my annoying drunk side, let's just hope everyone was too drunk to remember me doing anything embarrassing and inappropriate" he announces.

While laughing, Harry opens his Facebook app on his phone, he scans through his time line until he finds what he's looking for as he taps on the video and hands his phone to Zayn.

A video appears on the screen as Zayn looks at Harry confused. Harry shakes his head "Just watch it" he instructs as Zayn nods watching the video intently as it begins to play.

Screams were heard through the speakers and chants yelling "ZAYN! ZAYN! ZAYN!" as the camera lens focuses onto a shirtless Zayn straddling a shirtless Harry on a snooker table.

Zayn throws the phone at Harry "Nope, I'm not watching that!" he protests while he cringes.

"I don't care, you're watching it" Harry demands while holding the phone to Zayn's face as he picks Zayn up swiftly, placing his on his lap, wrapping his arms around Zayn's small waist securely.

Resting his head back on Harry's shoulder, Zayn reluctantly watches the rest of the video which is full of Zayn practically raping Harry's body with his lips and tongue. Zayn keeps on cringing as the crowd goes wild every time Zayn does something 'sexy' but smirks smugly every time he sees Harry's eyes rolling back, or the way Harry bites his bottom lip.

"Seems like you enjoyed that more then me" Zayn pipes up once the video finishes.

Harry laughs "Well yeah, could you blame me, that was a whole new side of you Zayn, didn't really know you had that in you to be honest" Harry admits while he places his phone into his pocket.

Zayn nods slowly "But the truth is, you don't really know me" he confirms truthfully.

Because it's the truth, Harry hardly knew anything about Zayn and vise-versa. They've spent their whole life hating one another that they actually know nothing, besides a few basic details, about one another. Yet...they claim go love one another. But what they have is different, they don't exactly love each other, yet they need each other. The hate is still there, but both of them are trying to hide it so they don't ruin whatever they have. But how can they be in a relationship if they know nothing about one another, besides rumours and the stereotypical views of each other's life. Zayn doesn't know that Harry has a beauty spot in his inner thigh. Or Harry doesn't know that Zayn hates toast. These little things are what brings a relationship closer. So does that mean Harry's and Zayn's so-called relationship can easily be broken? If so, what extents will they go to just to mend it from ever breaking. Or would they fix their relationship once it's broken?

"You're right, so let's get to know each other, wanna play twenty questions?" Harry offers as Zayn moves off his lap and sits in front of Harry, facing him.

Zayn shrugs "Sure, but can we just ask questions instead of having the need to count them, becuase I'm still slightly hungover" he admits while rubbing his temples.

Nodding quickly, Harry claps his hands "Yeah, okay let's do that" he announces.

"Okay, let's just give a small introduction, saves us from asking annoying questions like our names, and maybe we should record this, you know, maybe to watch back in the future" Zayn suggests while blushing.

Harry smiles sweetly "That's a great idea babe" he confirms while Zayn points to where his video camera is hidden, on the left side two draws down from his desk.

While Harry was busy finding the video camera and setting it up, Zayn was freaking out on the inside. Not only did he just give away that he would love to be in a cheesy, love-sick relationship with Harry where he would love to make home videos where they could curl up on the sofa as they feed each other grapes, watching back and laughing at the videos while stealing kisses from one another. But he also was freaking out about Harry calling him babe, is that a step further in their relationship? Because Zayn cannot deny the fact that he loves being called that nickname. But then does that mean Zayn needs to give a nickname for Harry? That's the problem, Zayn was never good with nicknames. He calls Liam 'Li' and Niall as 'Ni' so that's the first two letters of their names; so what is he meant to call Harry? "Ha" yeah that wouldn't really end well...

"Okay, that's done. I'll pres play and you just introduce yourself" Harry announces as he pulls Zayn back to reality while he takes a seat opposite Zayn as he presses the record button on the Sony video camera.

Zayn smiles at the camera and then faces Harry, ignoring the fact that he's getting recorded "Okay, I'm Zayn, my full name is Zayn Jawaad Malik and I'm eighteen years old and I'm originally from Bradford but living in North London, I'm half Pakistani and I'm the school's geek going though school as a nobody, yeah, that's me" Zayn announces smiling at Harry.

Nodding slowly as Harry registers everything Zayn said he smiles sweetly at Zayn "Well, I'm Harry, my full name is Harry Edward Styles and I'm also eighteen and I'm originally from Cheshire but also currently living in North London, I'm fully English...I think and I'm the school's jock having the reputation as the player, so that's me" Harry says winking at Zayn.

Zayn claps his hands "Okay, so when did you loose your virginity?" he questions smirking.

Harry chokes "W-What?" he asks shocked as he looks up at Zayn who is grinning.

"You heard me, how old were you when you lost your virginity" Zayn asks again, this time slightly louder as he leans on his forearms.

Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his neck "Oh uh, I erm think I was around fifteen?" he replies panicking.

Zayn smirks "That's illegal, you have to be sixteen or above" he points out adding "Well I was fifteen too, so I can't really say anything" he admits trailing off smirking at Harry's shocked expression.

"You're not a virgin?" Harry asks shocked looking at Zayn with wide eyes as his mouth hangs wide open.

Laughing loudly Zayn shrugs "I thought me doing the sexy body shot off you would have proved my innocence wrong, don't judge a book by it's cover" he says winking at Harry.

Harry smiles slightly "Okay, my turn. Who was your first?" he asks, feeling a little nervous for the answer, definitely not because he was jealous, or that's what Harry kept on telling himself.

Pain shoots through Zayn remembering his first time "Oh yeah, it was someone called Jake" he says without making eye contact with Harry because he truly regrets that night.

Jake and Zayn were both the same age and Zayn was truly head over heels for him, however what Zayn didn't know was that the three months of their relationship was all part of a bet set up from by Jake's friends. So right after Zayn climaxed along with Jake, Zayn bottomed, Jake confronted Zayn saying that he was straight and this was all part of a bet. To say that Zayn was heart broken was the understatement of the century. He closed up, built his walls but Niall and Liam were always there for him. They're his family.

Harry senses Zayn's discomfort, so he decides to quickly answer "Oh okay, mine was this girl called Elizabeth" while grimacing at the name, he also clearly didn't enjoy his sex with her, it was probably because of how young they were so it was more of an experiment.

Shrugging wanting o change the topic, Zayn nods quickly "Well okay, have you ever fingered yourself?" he asks while laughing.

Harry was utterly shocked with the questions Zayn was coming up with because he thought Zayn was one-hundred percent innocent; okay maybe not one-hundred perfect, especially after seeing him being all seductive and in controle yesterday, so maybe around ninety-three percent.

"No I haven't, have you?" Harry asks looking over at Zayn with raised eyebrows.

Zayn looks at Harry with wide eyes "Ew please, I'm not desperate so no, I haven't fingered myself" he says grimacing at the thought.

Shrugging, Harry nods while smiling "Okay, let's ask less dirty questions. Keeping it PG, what's your favourite food?" He asks while tapping his knee.

"CHICKEN!" Zayn yells excitedly thinking of his mum's delicious chicken meals.

Harry laughs at Zayn's eagerness "Okay, I'll need to remember that in case I ever cook a meal for you. I love toad in a whole" Harry announces while smiling brightly.

Zayn bites back a squeal because Harry would actually cook him a meal, like a date...with chicken! Zayn was clearly over the moon.

"What is your worst habit?" Zayn questions quickly in case he ends up squealing.

Harry taps his chin in a thinking position "Hmmm...definitely loving the feeling of being naked" he admits smirking as he winks at Zayn.

Zayn raises hiss eyebrows loving the idea of Harry naked "Well that certainly doesn't seem too bad to me, my worst habit is trying to make everything perfect. Especially my hair but also my work" he admits sighing.

"Okay, how many relationships have you been in?" Harry questions curiously, because he knew Zayn has been in a few relationships but he's never had a number.

Zayn stays quiet for a while "Well, I've had two serious relationships and one not-so serious relationship" he admits shrugging.

Nodding slowly, Harry begins to panic because he doesn't have an exact number "Well, I have never had a serious relationship. I've never had that feeling of wanting to be with someone, well before you came and stole my heart" he admits smirking as he laughs nervously. Harry then adds "I've had a lot of none-serious relationships, I've kind of list count past sixty-eight" he whispers the last part without making eye contact with Zayn.

At this moment, Zayn was drinking some water. But seconds after hearing Harry'a confession, Zayn splutters a mouthful of water onto his bedroom floor, in complete shock.

"Sixty-eight?" He asks gasping for air. Zayn clears his throat as h swallows the hurtful words climbing up his throat "Oh okay, well that's fine. It's not going to change anything, we are just coming out clean. So what is your favourite colour?" He asks.

Harry nods gratefully because Zayn has taken the truth well "'s either orange or green, I'll go with orange" he confirms as if it was the hardest question in the world.

"Awesome, I'll go with red" Zayn answers simply because the colour red was always linked to Marvel and Zayn, being the little geek he is, fell in love with the colour due to the massive amount of comics he has read.

"What's your worst fear?" Harry questions as he flicks some crumbs off Zayn's bed from his toast.

Zayn furrows his eyebrows "Well I've always been scared of not getting anywhere in life. Sure I exceed in all subjects but just imagine one day that isn't enough, imagine they are looking for someone weigh a little bit more street sense, then what? I'll be lonely living I'm a catboats box with an empty coffee mug holding a few copper pennies. That will be my life" Zayn admits feeling a bit worried.

Zayn never told anyone this, everyone thought of Zayn as a strong person. But deep down, he was a scared child.

Harry looks at Zayn as if he was crazy "You living in a cardboard box because you're nothing? That's me. Zayn you're going to go so far, you're really special. I mean, you somehow got through to me, you something special" Harry reassures as he pulls Zayn into a warm embrace as he rubs the raven haired lad's back comfortingly.

Zayn pulls away from the embrace smiling brightly "Thanks Haribo" Zayn whispers as he pecks Harry's lips, not realising what he just said.

"Haribo? Is that my nickname?" Harry asks in a teasing tone.

Zayn's cheeks flush pink as he shyly nods "Yeah, I'm sorry if it's awful, I was never good with nicknames" he admits.

Harry shakes his head quickly "No! It's truly perfect, it's clever and plus I love Haribo. Normally people call me Haz or Curly or Hazza, but you're clearly unique" he confirms as he strokes Zayn'a cheek smiling brightly.

Nuzzling his cheek into Harry's hand, Zayn smiles "Thanks, I'm glad you like it. So what's your fear?" Zayn asks.

"Well I'm scared that I will never have a happy ending in a relationship because I'm not used to being in a committed relationship. I'm scared that I'll grow old and live by myself with seventy-two cats, swinging in an old crust rocking chair as I laugh bitterly at the world outside as I'm cooped up inside an old home" Harry explains sadly.

Zayn frowns as he wraps his arms around Harry's frame "I'll never let that happen. Even if we don't last, I'll never let that happen to you" he reassures as he squeezes Harry lightly.

Moments like these is what Zayn and Harry both love. Not when they're yelling at one another, ready to rip the other's throat off with their bare hands. It's confusing of they think about yesterday or even two days ago, how they despised one another. Insults were thrown left right and centre, yet today they seem like a young, newly wed, love sick, couple. But in reality, they just confessed their unique feeling a few hours ago, in the early mornings of today, while they were a little tipsy. If anyone heard that Harry Styles and Zayn Malik were dating, they'd probably send you to a mental asylum. Same thing, if you told Harry or Zayn that they'll be in a 'relationship' with the other, they'd probably slap you and call you crazy.

Well that's what their relationship is, it's crazy. It's unique but it's also pure. They don't need all these sappy moments. And maybe, just maybe all the hate inside them is what brought them together.

"Harry, I've had enough" Zayn whines as he goes and turns the camera off.

Harry nods as he follows Zayn down the stairs "Zayn, tell me about Jake please" Harry demands as he takes a seat next to Zayn on the couch.

Sighing, Zayn turns to looks at Harry "Long story short, he used me and then left me after taking away my virginity" he explains sadly.

Harry gasps as he pulls Zayn into a tight hug "Oh Zayn, I'm sorry. You don't deserve that, you're a beautiful human being and if I ever see that giving prick who did that to you, let's just say he won't exactly be walking the rest of his life" Harry says causing Zayn to chuckle.

Zayn nuzzles his face into Harry's chest "Thank you Haribo, that means a lot to me" he admits.

Zayn was surprised at how fast him and Harry have grown close together. There was no hate in the air. Only love.

"Harry, let's go to the library, I need to return a book" Zayn announces while tugging on Harry's arm.

Harry chuckles "A library? Oh how I love the geeky side of you" Harry coos pinching Zayn's cheek as he holds Zayn's hand as they enter his room.

Zayn takes an outfit into the bathroom while Harry borrows some of Zayn's clothes. Zayn comes out in a red polo and black jeans with his red Nike high tops. He smirks as he sees Harry clad in his white round neck and his black skinny jeans.

"You look hot in my clothes" Zayn compliments as he walks over to Harry, pecking his lips.

Harry smirks as they begin to walk down the stairs "You look hot in your own clothes" he flirts as he wraps his arms around Zayn's waist once Zayn has collected his book which he needs to return.

Going to a library is not a typical thing Harry would do. But for some reason he finds it kind of cute how their first 'date' is going to be at the library. If it was anyone else, Harry would laugh and never attend the location; but because it was Zayn, Harry just couldn't refuse.

They walk to 'The British Library' the world famous one, it was the closest library to them and Zayn just loved how big it was.

Kisses were stolen and jokes were shared on their walk until they reached their destination.

Opening the wide doors, Zayn clutches onto his book as he walks over to the front desk sliding the book over to the lady behind the desk.

"Hello Zayn! It's been a while, did you enjoy that book I recommended for you?" Penelope asks as she clears Zayn's card of any un returned books as she stamps the book off.

Zayn's smiles brightly "Yeah, you were right, it did being tears to my eyes. I just felt as though I was Delilah and oh god, it was beautiful" he explains remembering all the nights he would sit in his bed reading the book with hiss night lamp on, sipping on his hot chocolate, being careful not to spill any on the book as he struggled to turn the pages.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it! Well if you're looking for a new book,bothered just some new arrivals down that aisle" Penelope announces as she points her stamp over to a dark aisle.

Zayn nods his head excitedly "Yes, or course! I'm always looking for something new to read" he admits.

Penelope laughs at Zayn's enthusiasm "Well okay, but keep quiet because no one is allowed down there yet, but because you're like a son to me, I'll let you go and have a scan" she says smiling kindly at Zayn.

Penelope was a beautiful, middle-aged, women, a mother of two. She has strawberry blond hair and a curvy frame. She was always sweet and kind, her bubbly personality always attracted everyone as you instantly fall in love with her, as a friend of course.

"Thanks Penny, you're the best!" Zayn calls as he drags harry towards the dimly lit aisle full of books.

Zayn walks to the end of the aisle where he reads a sign saying 'New arrivals' with an arrow pointing down which leads to a shelf at the bottom with new books placed along the old shelf, showing a large contrast.

"WOW! There's so many to choose from" Zayn squeals as his fingers glide passed the book's spines.

Harry gleams at how happy Zayn looks being surrounded by plenty of books.

"Oh my god HARRY! Look what I've just found Harry!" Zayn whispers loudly while shoving a book into Harry's face.

Harry takes the book out of Zayn's tight grasp. The book was, very, old. It was called 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens. Harry pretend he knows why Zayn is so excited about finding this book "Oh yeah cool. This looks really good" Harry says smiling.

Zayn laughs rolling his eyes "Okay I get it! You have no interests in books but thanks for trying to sound excited" Zayn says patting Harry's cheek.

Harry bows down dramatically "You're welcome" he says as both boys laugh.

"I've been trying to find this book everywhere in the library! It's set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. It's got love, sacrifice, revenge, revolt and other exciting verbs! I'm a big fan of a solid marriage between character development and action" Zayn squeals as he rambles on about his love for this book.

Harry smashes his lips onto Zayn's once the shorter lad had stopped rambling on about the book.

Harry lightly pushes Zayn onto a tall ladder which was clearly used for the staff to reach high books on tall shelves. The ladder screeches as both boys remember how Penelope reminded them that they hand to be quiet. No on could see them anyway because of how dimly lot the narrow aisle was. The tall book shelves hovered over both the boys who were still in an in tense make out session. Zayn was now pressed against a book shelf because the ladder was making too much noise.

Once they both pull away breathing quietly Zayn smirks "We're being such bad asses, making out in a library out of all places" he whispers.

Harry chuckles quietly "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You just looked so irresistible while speaking about that book" he admits while pointing over at the scruffy book held tightly in Zayn's grasp.

"I didn't mind. But I really do love this book" Zayn confirms as he looks down at the book, which has pages torn and bent in the wrong direction.

"Oh right, what about Fifty Shades of Grey? That's apparently meant to be a good book" Harry suggests while winking at Zayn.

Zayn uses the book in his hand to slap the book on Harry's head "You're such a pervert. And for your information, I've read that book" Zayn says winking as he struts off swaying his hips side to side leaving a gob smacked Harry behind.


A/N: Was that shitty? There wasn't much drama because I wanted to take a step back.

Did you like the Zarry moments?

Getting hot in the library ;)

What about Jake?

Did you like the twenty questions?

Tell me what you think :) x


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