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I actually cried while writing this, this happened to me while I wrote the epilogue of 'Picture Perfect?' but yeah, you'll know why when you read the last line why I cried :'( OH GAWWWWD!

So Harry was at Gemma's graduation which I find pretty adorable, bless sibling luuuuv!

The picture on the side is of Zayn and Harry kissing, as you can see that Zayn has his thumb up well that shows that everything will be okay, even though this is ending...we still have Toy! So check that out ------->>>>

Okay, so One Direction are doing a book signing in London (where I am from) but they are making the prices expensive, it's over £20, I can afford it but I'm not going to go. I'd rather just go to the venue and just see them in all honesty it's nearly the same price as a concert ticket, well nearly ;P See this is just turning all into a money making business. Stupid management! -_- I mean, Union J have free tickets, what happened to things like that hey? Book signings last for less than a minute, come on! Think about the people that can't afford it! I would go but then I have college that day too, I'll probably skip the last lesson and go to the venue...we'll see.

This chapter is dedicated to @OurYouTubeLife because she was giving me amazing rants about this chapter passed midnight and she is from London like me; plus he sense of humour is off the hook. I mean I love to make words up, but hers is just...I mean CRAPSICLES is the shiz!

This story has passed 100 pages with only around twenty chapters! :O Woah! No one can tell me that my chapters are short...NO ONE! ;)

Well actually this is short because it's the epilogue I didn't want to drag it along or anything.

Fact: My iPod means more to me then my phone, weird I know. But my iPod is the device which got me my One Direction tickets for next year...judge me now! ;)

Okay, now it's time for the speech, so here goes nothing: Thank you to every single one of you who has give a chance to read this story, it's been one of my favourite ones and I believe it has shown me as a better writer comapred to before. If you have ever voted, commented and read my story then I guess you own a piece of my heart because even though it may seem exaggerative but I wouldn't exactly be here without you! And seriosuly it's the truth.

Now before I start crying, please enjoy the epilogue of Hate that I love you ♥


-2 and a half years later-

Zayn turns over the book which he was currently reading 'The Great Gatsby' for his English course, as he would need to write a twelve page essay on the book.

Why couldn't he write a twelve page essay on Harry? Now he definitely wouldn't mind that at all, he'd probably even write more than twelve pages all about his curly haired beauty.

Zayn places his none powered reading glasses down as he rubs his eyes, he hates reading in the morning but he knew he had to do it as he only had one chapter left.

Plus he stayed up late Skyping to Harry who was doing a late shift at work that evening so Zayn decided to keep him company as his lover didn't have much to do, unlike Zayn who have five chapters of his book left to read.

Hate that I love you [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now