Chapter 15

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A/N: THE TRACKS FOR MIDNIGHT MEMORIES ARE RELEASED! But there isn't 'Don't Let Me Go' on it :'( I really hope it's a bonus track!

As you may see, I've changed my profile picture, one of my eyes always comes out a little weird but what can you do? ;P

I recently received 1.6K reblogs/likes on a Zarry GIF I posted on Tumblr and thought I'd let you see it (I personally don't know what's super amazing about it, but then again it is Zarry!) ------>>>>

I seriously find the song 'Same Love' adorable! :') So that's on the side if you want to listen to it --->>>


This chapter is dedicated to @Nattye_k because she seems so similar to me! I don't like when I'm reading a Zarry story and then it also becomes like a Lilo one or something, because the spotlight is stolen away from Zarry and I don't want it to happen with this one, she was so kind with her comment and it's was just like urghhhh...perfection! :'D

This chapter will highlight that I know absolutely nothing about football, like absolutely nothing and I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but I've just never been interested in that sport "/

I actually had this amazing plan for this chapter, but it didn't end like how I planned it too, you'll find out more about that at the end!

Fact: I carry so many lip products with me, to school I carry seven and my friend in my form always tease me about it, they even called me girly and then they called me Barbie and I just seriously couldn't stop laughing because I am not girly ^_^

I think this chapter is slightly long, hope you enjoy it! \(♥o♥)/


It's been just over a week, so that means school has started again since the fight between Zayn and Harry. All this time, Zayn was trying to contact Harry, but the other lad wouldn't answer or return his calls and texts.

This obviously caused Zayn to give up, especially when he asked Louis for Harry's address, so he could actually apologies and say that he over reacted, wanting to be the bigger person; but Harry saw Zayn outside of his house by peering out of his window, but decided to leave Zayn there standing like a complete fool.

So that's when Zayn gave up, because in Zayn's eyes there was just so much that he could do. And he's done it.

Besides, Zayn wasn't the only one at fault, Harry was the one who majorly over reacted and was being childish when he began to do everything that Zayn found irritating on purpose.

Walking into the school gates, ready to explain to his friends why him and Harry are not coming to school together; Zayn tries to think about how he could say it to them, without it sounding stupid.

Because in all honesty, it was something little blown out of proportion.

"ZAYN! OVER HERE MATE!" Niall yells as he runs over to Zayn, with Liam trailing behind the eager boy.

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