Chapter 10

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A/N: So I just volunteered at an old people's home, so we painted their front doors and it was fun, with a hint of drama, but I can't complain, I do love my door was the best ;)

MIDNIGHT MEMORIES! Gosh, the boys are so horny! First it was 'Up All Night' then it was 'Take Me Home' and now it is 'Midnight Memories' oh how I love them, so I'm excited for that and I shall pre-order it!

I've started at London Academy of Excellence, and I love it, let's hope I still have time for everything!

So I was a little down last week, because my latest Zarry one shot I posted was a little disappointing, I felt really awful, I'm not going to lie, but then I changed the ending as it was a little rushed and I just want to say that I'm sorry again for any disappointment :)

Just look at that GIF on the side of Zayn hugging Harry at the airport before he goes home, how beautiful :') ---->>>

So I reached 500 fans today and I was close to tears, I can't even explain how happy I am from all the support you guys give me.

The feedback I'm receiving from this and my one shots are amazing, you never fail to bring a smile to my face :') I'm so happy you all like Louis, because he truly is an awesome friend! Someone even asked me to turn this into a Zouis book (you know who you are) but I can never do that, ZARRY FOREVER! ;D

I'm dedicating this chapter to @Skai_rox1 because I "restored the spirit of Zarry" to her world as she was a Larry shipper, so WOOP! More the merrierr ^_^

Fact: I am addicted to bubble tea from this place called 'Bubbleology' the best one is Rose Milk, oh it's divine!

Sorry this chapter is quite short, I'll make it up on the next one, promise! :*

Enjoy \(♥o♥)/


So many thoughts run through Harry's mind at the speed of light. He thinks up a good apology, explaining how he is an idiot and Zayn deserves someone better then Harry, even though harry loves him and also saying that Harry will never give up on Zayn.

But that all disappears as soon as Zayn and Harry stop walking, heading into the school's shed, where they both know no one would be around as this shed has never been used in a very long time. It was evident in the way it looked, huge spider webs hanging from every corner, with a few tiny spiders dangling down from them, there were old  gardening tools with mud on them, lined up against the opposites side from the door.

Zayn stares at Harry as he stands in front of him "Well?" he questions, no feeling comfortable while standing in the sames area as Harry.

All the apologies are long forgotten, the words he rehearsed in the back of him mind wanting to come out "I'm so sorry Zayn, I was an idiot and I treated you awfully, I'm just begging you for one more chance, just please don't leave me, I'll fix this, whatever it takes! I'll fight for you, I'll fight for us" he recites in the back of him mind.

But things don't always go to plan, especially for Harry as he blurts out "Why are you ignoring me?" which came out in an angry tone, much to his dismay as he trains his sight down towards his shoes.

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