Chapter 9

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A/N: I started to write Zarry one shots! I posted the first one already, they are based on songs and there will be tonnes of them, I'll update them at random times, just a little side thing I'm doing; so check out those on the external link ------->>>

Do you like the new cover? I think it's fabulous :D

So as some of you guys may know, I watched 'This Is Us' on the day it was out and it was perfect, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing...I wanna go on and on forever but you'll all get bored and I don't wanna ruin it for anyone :)) But I do have a rant you can freely read on my message board :D

GUYS! 'I can't love you more than this' passed 200K reads, I told my friend that when this happens I'll do a TwitCam, but only if you're all interested, it'll probably be next Saturday if I decide to do it :))

I went ice skating on Wednesday and I can't walk properly! >_< Plus I converted a special friend of mine into a Zarry shipper and I haven't even known her that long, Love youu Foo-Fee ;) <33

The GIF on the side is of is of Harry, erm...well, you should just check it out, it's extremely sexual XD ----->>>

Oh I'm starting college (Year 12 for you Americans) on the 5th, so let's just hope I don't struggle with updates :))

I'm dedication this chapter to @tottie_zarry because she comments on all of my stories, she's like a little sister and it's just awesome to have that support, so a HUGE thannkyouu to you gorgeous <33

Fact: I can't have my nails being naked (without nail polish) I'm addicted to it, like crazily, ask any of my friends, it's baaaaad! ;P At least I'm not addicted to drugs, so slightly positive ;)

So I don't know how long this is, plus I wrote 75% of this at 3am and the rest at lunch time so hope it's good ^_^

Oh and by the way, I own that little thing down there V_V (the hearty eye thing)

Enjoy \(♥o♥)/


Waking up to his usual car crash alarm, Zayn yawns sitting up as he stretches his limbs releasing numerous clicks through his bones.

"Don't do that, it sounds disgusting" Came a husky voice beside Zayn causing the raven haired lad to gasp in surprise as he saw Louis sitting up, resting on his elbows, next to him.

Zayn yelps in surprise as he leaps off his bed "What the hell are you doing here?" he asks shocked but then slowly begins to remember that Loui's came to comfort him after the events of yesterday.

Laughing loudly, Louis shakes his head "Already forgot, you weren't even drunk Zayn" Louis points out smirking.

Zayn rolls his eyes as he flicks Louis off, he heads into the bathroom to have a bath allowing everything from yesterday sink into him.



"Zayn?" Louis asks as he begins to throw items from his pencil case onto Zayn's bedroom window, remembering his window from the dark days when him and his so-called friends used to chase him home, then seeing Zayn peek through his curtains to check if they were gone.

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