Chapter 1

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A/N: I'M BAAAAACK MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! ;D Missed me? Of course you did ;)

So my exams are over, I have Prom tomorrow, kinda feeling nervous >_< Hope it all goes well :) Let's just say, I have the worst organized class EVER! But I love them nonetheless <33

So there has been SOO many hot Zarry moments lately, but his is by far my most favourite one, I mean Harry in a candy thong while Zayn eats some of the candy, like seriously? Can you not! I mean, I'm have a seizure just thinking about it ;) I mean Zayn just looks like a an animal! And Harry is all like "Come and eat my thong baby" and he is even helping Zayn! I can't even...

So check out the sexy Zarry GIF --------------->>>

So here is the first chapter of 'Hate that I love you' and I'm writing it in third person now, I think I'm beginning to improve my writing skills so wanted a change ^_^

I get straight into the drama, I'm sure you all know I love my drama! ;D

Dedicated this chapter to: @GirlVersionOfNiall because she is simply awesome and I loved her previous comment! ;D

Fact: I DON'T LIKE TOAST! (this is a new thing I'll do on every chapter for you to get to know me a little better)

Enjoy :) x


In North West London Zayn Malik's alarm was ringing loudly sounding through the room, he's usual car crash alarm which his family has grown to despise, but it pleases him, the squeaking of the tires on the road at the sudden brake and the sound of the glass shattering sooths him in the morning.

Some people thought of Zayn as weird, but he was just himself, so if being himself meant being weird then so be it! He's weird, and he doesn't give two flying donkey's shits!

The definition of unique is: Being the only one of its kind, and that's Zayn.

"ZAYN OFF THAT AWFUL RUCKUS! I'M TRYING TO SLEEEEEEP!" his older sister Doniya yells from the other side of the four bedroom house causing his to groan as he slams his hand multiple times onto his phone until the sound disappears.

Zayn throws the covers over his half naked body as he allows the morning air to engulf his body as he sleep with the window wide open, another thing that makes him 'weird'.

He heads to my bathroom as he squirts some of his toothpaste onto his toothbrush beginning to brush his teeth for exactly two minutes.

Zayn hops into the shower washing himself with his Lynx body wash which he received as a present from his Grandparents. He loves it and all, but it's quite insulting when you get bathing products as presents, are they implying that you smell?

But he loves his Grandparents none the less.

After washing his hair, he wraps his plush white towel around his waist. He hears a light knock on his room door as he exits his en-suite.

"Zayn Darling, are you awake?" his mum questions from the other side of his light brown wooden door which has a lot of posters on it...not of girls on motorbikes, nope. More like ones that read:

Hate that I love you [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now