Chapter 13

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*gasp! OH NOES! its chapter 13! Ima die! So...unlucky... *clutches throat* OVER 750 reads! soo AWESOME! This chapter is all Duncan POV, but with a twist! (OHHH, fancy) Because hes telling a story, its going to be like: "I" and "Me" and stuff! so, yeah... Lets just get to the freaking story. Bleeehhh I might have to put this into two parts*

Chapter 13: The Scientist's Goggles

                                                                                          " 'Number 18!' Called the attendant from the other room. I didn't look up, this was a delicate operation. My alarm clock had broken, finally. I was re-creating it into a small robot for the new kid. I always felt sorry for them. I never remembered a time when I wasn't at an orphanage. I fitted the last piece onto the chest plate of the robot. I walked over to Lewis' bed and placed it under Lewis' pillow. He would find it later, but for now, he was reading a book on his bed. He was older than me by a couple of years, but I knew his story.

                                                                                         The orphanage director left the files out on her desk. Foolish, simply foolish. Simply anyone could get at them. Lewis' parents had died when their jet crashed, and no one in his family wanted him. I nodded to Lewis and walked over to the attendant that had called my number. "Yes?" I asked coldly, looking up at him. The attendant looked at me sharply, noticing my tone, and smacked me on the head with his pen.

                                                                                           'Someone wants to see you, something about adopting an apprentice. Crazy guy with a labcaot and goggles.' I knew he was just trying to get my hopes up, almost no one got adopted, unless you were like Lewis. He was the kind of kid that prospect parents looked at and liked. He was the perfect age and was super nice, always cracking jokes. I looked up at the attendant and sighed. 'OK, where is this so called "crazy guy with a labcoat and goggles"? He smacked me on the head with his pen again and shoved me down the hall. 'First office on the left.'

                                                                                              I peeked around the door to the office and saw pretty much what the attendant had described. There was a oldish man sitting in a chair at a desk across from the director. He was wearing a white labcoat and did indeed have some interesting looking goggles. I walked in to the room and sat down in a chair facing the man without saying anything. The man leaned closer to me, peering at me through his goggles. 'Yes,' Her muttered, still staring at me. 'Yes, what?' I asked him, glaring back at him. 'I have very important things to do, you know.'

                                                                                              He just chuckled. "You have spirit, don't you, boy? I think you are going to be my apprentice." I just sat there, staring at him, not sure why I was so happy. He chuckled again. "I shall be waiting at the door, my boy. Pack your bags."

                                                                                              I didn't have any bags to fit anything in, so I just nipped a pillowcase from the closet.  Lewis was sitting on his bed, studying the robot I had made him. He looked up as I entered the room, and smiled. He knew, then that I had made him the robot. I grinned at him.

                                                                                   "I'm leaving, see ya, Lewis." He said a hasty goodbye, then cranked up the robot as I left the dormitory. I had an extra pair of clothes, a toothbrush and some toothpaste, and my tools, all of which I had made myself.  I was prepared for my new life.

** Sorry this is really short and bad, but school just started and I might not post for like, a month or something...***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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