Chapter 12

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*OHMYGAWD thank you all for all this support and stuff! Over 450 reads!  It really means a lot to me! OK, I'm done with all that mushy stuff! Sorry if you hated it...even if it was only like, 3-4 sentences long... Yeah, whatever. From now on, I'm just going to put who's POV it is Before the paragraph starts. So I don't have to be all like: Oh yeah, Duncan and Art's POV will be changing every other paragraph! HAHA Good luck keeping track!! MUAHAHA No, I would NEVER do that to you! Ever.... OK, Maybe if i had to... But probably not Chapter twelve... I think that I'll aim for 15 chapters in total. Speaking of chapters, sorry that chapter 11 took so freaking long! I had major writers block! I also had writers block with this chapter to! Ohmygowd. Last chapter was longer than the usge, also. How do you freakin' spell that? POST IN THE COMMENTS! This chapter is likely to be pretty short... so, yeah. LETS GET STARTED! I'M DONE RAMBALING ON AND ON ABOUT THIS RANDOM STUFF! READ,  GAWD! YOU SON OF A BISCUIT!!*

Chapter 12: PILLOW FIGHT

                                                                                        **Duncan's POV**

                                                                                    The scientist followed the dwarf down the street. Rory wouldn't lead them astray, would he? No, the scientist thought,  I tested his mental capabilities, they weren't all that much lower than average. Which was average for a dwarf. Simon was the one exception that Duncan had found. He had a brain that seemed to switch from derpy to genius at random moments. So one moment he was making a platform out of TNT, above lava, and then next he was designing a house that rivaled Even Duncan's skills as a builder. Of corse, he always switched back to derpy and blew it up before it was ever completed.

                                                                                  He was jolted out of his reverie when Art tripped next to him and he caught her. He looked down into her light blue eyes and just held there a moment longer than was necessary.  He helped her to her feet and she blushed. "Sorry, I'm just... tired, I guess. It's been a long couple of days. For all of us."  Duncan nodded and she moved away to walk next to Jo. He heard Jo whisper: "Why didn't you kiss him??"

                                                                                      Duncan blushed and walked faster to catch up with Rory. "Rory, I think we should stop at a Hotel or something." Rory was puffing along, his face red. He slowed down and nodded at Duncan. The scientist was rather surprised that the dwarf hadn't colapsed already. "I know a place." Duncan looked at the dwarf, nephew to one of my best friends, he thought, who would have thought he would help us. 

                                                                                     They stopped at a hotel. Duncan looked at the sign, it read "Arlo Lake Hotel." "This is a favorite hangout place of mine!" said Rory as he lead them all inside. A man with a DJ outfit walked up to them, his glasses winking it the glowstone light. "he stretched out a hand to the scientist. Duncan took it, warily. "Hi! I'm Arlo, the owner of this establishment! You must be Duncan, the scientist that lives in the huge castle on the mountain near the Jaffa factory!" Duncan looked at him, how would he know? Arlo smiled broadly, seeing his confusion. He spread out his arms. "Its my job to know everything about everyone in Minecraftia!" 

                                                                                      He shook the hands of all the group. "Any friend of Rory's is a friend of mine!" He grinned and pointed up some stairs. "Do you want me to show you a room, or a couple of rooms?"  Duncan nodded again and paid the man with a few emeralds that he had in his pocket. Rory lead them to the room. "I'm going to be downstairs, with Arlo. When your ready to go, come and get me. Even if you guys should probably rest here a couple of days, you look pretty haggard."  He turned, after handing Jason the room key, and walked down the stairs.

                                                                                       The rooms were huge. About half the size of my lab, thought Duncan, which is almost 200 blocks. Squared, of course. Art was looking around, then suddenly jumped on the bed, sending pillows everywhere. "PILLOW FIGHT!!" She yelled, picking up a large pillow. She threw a pillow at Jo, who squealed and caught it, chucking it at Jen. She caught it full in the face. Ty joined in, battering Jason with the pillow that he picked up off the floor. Jason grabbed the pillow out of his hands and smacked him upside the face with it. "Truth!" Ty shouted, covering his face with his pillow shield.

                                                                                         Jason looked confused. "What?" Jo giggled and Ty blushed. "You guys know about my speech impediment! Tru-Tru- Tructh . . . Um, You know what I mean!!" The scientist looked on at the pillow fight. What are they doing, he thought to himself, what possesses them to commit such Tom-foolery? I think shall test out this pillow fight thing, the scientist thought, as he grabbed a pillow off of the bed. He smacked Jen from behind and then used his momentum to spin around and cuff Ty on the side of the head. Art squealed happily and launched herself at him.

                                                                                 He dodged to one side, narrowly missing her face. She jumped straight up in the air off the bed and smacked him in the face, knocking his goggles off his head. He twisted and started to chase her around the room, shouting. "No one touches my goggles!" Jen used Jason's momentary befuddlement to sneak up behind him and smack him in the back with her pillow. Jo then was smacked by accident as he whipped around. She tried to hit him with her pillow and he ducked, making her hit Ty instead. He dropped to the ground and rolled to the side, tripping Jason and making him fall on the bed.

                                                                                         Duncan stopped chasing Art and dropped down on the bed, next to Jason. "That was fun!" Duncan said, placing the pillow he had under his head. The scientist was surprised at his own words. I thought i was supposed to be the cold calculating one, he thought, smiling slightly. I guess I have to act my age sometime, might as well be now. Art flopped down next to him and panted a little bit. She handed him his goggles. He put them on his forehead. "Thanks, Art. Don't touch them. Ever. Again."  She grinned at him, knowing that this was and empty threat.

                                                                                            "Where did you get them, anyway, Duncan?" Art asked, gesturing to the band, which was slightly frayed and the small nick in the side of the metal frame. The scientist sighed. "Its a long story." he said. I don't want to tell this story, he thought desperately.  He sighed again, but she, at least, deserves to know. And her friend aren't going to go blabbing to everyone else they see. "Um," he said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "I can tell it, if you really want." Art looked slightly concerned, her smile gone. Duncan missed that smile, it hadn't appeared in a long while.

                                                                                          She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked at him. "You don't have to tell the story if you don't want to."  Jen looked around at everyone, still grinning her head off. "Guys, this is about a pair of goggles. Goggles. Come on, how epic can this story get, really?" Art shot her a glare which shut her up. "Please, Duncan, continue" She said, sitting next to him. "Uh, OK . . ." The scientist took off his goggles and turned them oover and over in his hands.

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