Chapter 5

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* This is just going to be what happened to Art before... whatever happened that brought her to Duncan*

Chapter 5: The Story of About The Strange Disappearance of Art

                               Ty sat up and grabbed a glass of water from beside the cot, downing it in one go.  "Um, OK," He said looking around at Jen, Jason, who had his arm around Jen's shoulders, and Jo, who was sitting possibly one foot away from his cot.  Duncan noticed with some amusement that Art was looking at Jo with a slightly freaked out look on her face. Ty fixed his gaze on Art, completely ignoring Duncan, who felt a prickle of anger.  Ty looked back at Jason. "Where should I start?"  Jason chuckled a little. "Start at the beginning."

                                  "We had all been friends for a long time, basically since birth. We went to the school dances together, even at the age of ten. Never separated, we called ourselves 'The Weird Ones' All of us had been at a movie, and we had decided to have lunch at the local coffee shop down the street. Jo and I weren't together, we were all just about thirteen. In fact, none of were together, though us boys definitely had started to make eyes at our respective gals. You didn't seem to mind that you were alone in that respect. In fact, you relished it, calling us love birds and stuff like that.

                                            But today was different. There was a guy who had weird really pale eyes, almost all white, who asked you if he could buy you a coffee. You seemed to be under some sort of spell or something, because you said yes. It was really weird, but he just pulled one out of his pocket. Normally you wouldn't even looked at the guy, but this time you took the coffee and drank it all down, you didn't even like coffee! He asked you to follow him and you did, quiet as a ghost. We tried to call you back but you didn't even turn around. " Jen interrupted. "You did do one thing to make us know that you were doing all this against you will though. When you were walking away, you gave a weird jerk, like you were trying to break something. But then the guy turned around and just glared at you, making you follow him again. That's the last time we saw you, except once." She finished then looked to Jason, who coughed before taking up the story.

                                                   Art had closed her eyes and put her head between her hands. Duncan patted her back, then motioned to Jason to continue. "We were searching everywhere, but found nothing, not a sh*t.  Only once did we see you again. You were walking in what seemed to be one fixed direction, all covered in blood." Duncan remembered when Art had first come to the gates, she had been bloody and her shoes had been completely worn off. Art lifted her head slightly. Jason continued. "We tried to reach you, but if anyone got anywhere close to you, they were zapped into unconsciousness. We all tried though, and everything went dark. When we woke up, you were gone."

*sorry of this chapter is kinda stupid, I had no idea what to do for what happened to Art*

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