Chapter 10

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*WHOO!! Chapter 10! finalllllyyyy, gawd. Um, Yeah, Duncans POV, Might change halfway through, but ill give a warning. yeah i have no idea what to put here but my brother has been reading this story so thats kinda a O_O 'Cuz hes a judger, SHUNNNNNN!! Shun those of the judgers! SHUN THEM!!! tehehe...sooooo*

Chapter 10: Minty?

                                                                        "Art!" Duncan gasped as he sat up. Jo was sitting next o him and she looked down with surprise as he sat up. His head was spinning, though it was stopping quickly and he looked to Rythian, who was standing and looking around the corner. Keeping watch no doubt. Something fell of of his chest as he sat up and he looked down to see Rythian's Life Stone. "I saw Art." Duncan said to Rythian, handing back the Life Stone. He didn't look very surprised. "Yeah, she forged a mind link, I can see it on you. Good job, that."

                                                                            Jo looked back and forth between them before standing up and dusting off her jeans. "I am going to go see what Ty is doing." She walked off, her shoulder slightly slumped.  Rythian looked at Duncan with some concern. "You do know that you almost died there? Scared everyone pretty bad." Duncan was surprised Rythian cared at all. I would think that he wanted me dead, he thought, standing up, his head clear.

                                                                      He needed to calm down, he saw that his hand was shaking. He analyzed the walls elements, and that helped some. "Sjin shot me." Duncan said slowly, looking at Rythian. "Where the f$#@ did he go?" Rythian looked around then said sarcastically. "Oh, did he leave? I hadn't noticed." Duncan glared at him until he relented. "OK, I have no idea, he just shot and ran back into the building. Sips, the son of s b&^$%, must have slipped away." "Where are the rest of Art friends? We wouldn't want them to get eaten by a rabid dog or something." Duncan said, peeking around the corner before walking quickly past the huge hole in the wall.

                                                                               Why was Rythian being so nice to him all of a sudden? Duncan asked himself, didn't he hate my guts a few minutes ago? He sighed, resigned to the fact that he was probably never going to understand the mage. Unless he eventually died, then the scientist would finally be able to see what his guts looked like spread out over a dissection table. Duncan shook the thought from his mind, no, that's Art's brother! She probably would get really mad if he dissected her brother. Jason was sitting, blushing slightly as Ty and Jo kissed passionately. Oh geez, thought the scientist as he cleared his throat.

                                                                                     Ty and Jo broke from their embrace, both blushing furiously. Duncan looked at them, blush rising in his face. Though he did kiss Art, he never wanted to do something as illogical as that. Saving them all any awkward conversation, Jen ran around the corner, her pupils dilated in panic. "Guys," She said, running into Jason's arms, "Sjin is coming, and he has Art at gunpoint!" Duncan paled. No, Sjin would not kill her, would he?

                                                                                        Rythian put a hand on Duncan's shoulder. Duncan looked up at the older person, fear evident in his face. He had tried to keep his emotions under control so far, but now he couldn't quite handle them. "Everyone," Rythian said quickly and quietly, taking charge of the small band, "around the corner!" They rushed to do as he said, Rythian last to go. Then they lined up, and Duncan took out his trusty mining laser. Rythian pulled out his red matter Katar and took a defensive stance, keeping everyone else behind him.

                                                                                      Jason and Ty both had simple iron swords, but they would do in a pinch. Jo had a chainsaw, the scientist wasn't sure where she had gotten that. Jen had nothing but her fists, so Rythian handed her a bow and a stack of arrows. "Art is the best with this sort of thing." She muttered, notching and arrow. Too right, thought Duncan, putting his finger on the trigger. He and the rest of the group stood facing the place where Sjin would come out.

                                                                                **ART's POV**

                                                                                Art felt the cold metal against her head as she was marched outside. She didn't care, she had her wand in her sleeve and had fast enough reflexes to shoot off  a spell or two before anything real happened. Mr. Astley was safely tucked in her  back pocket, he would be safe for the duration of the battle, hopefully. "Don't make any funny moves, Artemis, or I'll blast your brains." Sjin muttered in her ear. Ugg, she thought, even his breath smelled like dirt. What did he do, brush his teeth with it? She amused herself with image for a second before getting shoved outside.

                                                                                         The first thing she saw was Duncan's face, pale and scared. She had never seen him scared. Startled, maybe, but never scared. At least he was alive, she saw, there wasn't even any blood on his shirt. All her friends were there, and Rythian was holding his red matter Katar. That made her feel better, but she was still being held at gunpoint.

                                                                                        "Duncan..." She started, but Sjin shoved the gun harder against her head. "Quiet!" She narrowed her eyes, and could see Rythian doing the same. Suddenly a voice range out in her head. It's Ok, Art. We'll get you out of this jam. Yay, she thought, I'm going crazy. No, your not, Its Rythian, Art, really. You didn't act like this when you were two years of age. Art sent a rolling eyes image to her brother. Yeah, she thought to him, like you expect me to act like two year old. Art tried to send a message to Duncan. Can you hear me, Duncan? She saw his eyes widen. Sjin jammed the gun into her head , making her see spots all across her vision.

                                                                                   "Stop that." He said angrily.  "Sjin," Art said, not looking away from Duncan, "why did you do this? I mean, your usually really nice, you gave me Mr. Astley." She slowly turned towards him and looked at his face. He looked stricken. "He has Minty." He said quietly. "Who, Sjin?" Rythian asked urgently, his purple eyes glowing. Art saw Jen and Jason's eyes both widen. Then they slowly started backing up, so slowly that Sjin didn't notice. They are going to circle around, but be ready to run.

                                                                                         Art twisted suddenly, punching Sjin in the stomach. Duncan fired a shot with his mining laser, but it went wide. Sjin screamed. "NOOO! HEROBRINE HAS MINTY! I MUST NOT FAIL!" He fired off a shot, and Art felt a searing pain in her left arm. She screamed and launched herself at Sjin, punching at him and kicking him. Duncan dragged her off of him and held her down. "Let me go, Duncan! I am going to beat the S&%$ out of him!" "Art!" the scientist held her arm up for her to see, and Art saw blood running down it. It hadn't hurt before, but now it was splitting with pain. "Oh," she said, going limp and fighting to keep herself from going unconscious. She lost, and the last thing she saw was Duncan looking worriedly down at her.

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